5 digital trends that will shape marketing in 2018


It’d be fair to say that 2017 has been a big year…but we tend to say that every year.

As we hang around waiting to usher in 2018, the world around us keeps on moving at an unprecedented pace and keeping up with that change is often daunting – no matter how many feeds we follow.

And yes, there is a general sense of nascent change afoot, but our human wants, needs and behaviours don’t change nearly as quickly or as often as we think. Granted, we adapt to the world around us as best we can, but for the most part we are a relatively predictable species in the short term.

It’s with this lens that we approached our 2018 trends briefing: not just postulating on what changes we believe will happen within the social space, but rather looking at mid/long(ish) term human behaviour and attitudinal shifts that are already happening and seeing how they will further evolve in the next year.

So, we will be tackling the big boys – be it virtual reality or ephemeral content; we’ll just be looking at it from a human perspective, putting people first. As it should always be.

Please leave your thoughts, suggestions and feedback in the Comments section below.

Enjoy…and happy 2018 to you all.

2018 Trends – We Are Social