SNAP SAFE: OUR ANSWER TO THE UN’S ‘CALL TO CREATIVES’ 3 Apr 2020 Written by Gareth Leeding A week ago, the United Nations put out an international ‘Call to Creatives’ to help communicate six key messages to the world’s population – one of which was the importance of physical distancing in helping to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But rather than just telling people how to act, we really wanted […]
TUESDAY TUNE-UP #427 25 Mar 2020 In this week’s Tuesday Tune-Up, we’re looking at some of the most recent actions undertaken by the major social media platforms in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Social platforms announce measures to tackle Covid-19 misinformationThere’s nothing like a global emergency to bring out the worst in fake news and misinformation. With rumours circulating from the […]
Thought Leadership THE POWER OF THE SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNITY THROUGH CRISIS 19 Mar 2020 There’s a town in Pennsylvania that is known for its unusually low rate of heart disease. The inhabitants of Roseto had nearly no heart attacks in the mid-twentieth century and research concluded that it was their strong sense of community that was responsible for the good health and long lives. This is known as the […]
TUESDAY TUNE-UP #426 17 Mar 2020 Instagram competes with YouTube on long-form videoYour favourite time-suck has announced that they’re testing a new ads product: Instagram are finally rolling out ads for IGTV. It’s been speculated that creators have focused their effort for long-form on YouTube because of revenue sharing from ads on the platform, so in an effort to lure them to […]
Tuesday Tune-Up #425 10 Mar 2020 Twitter tests disappearing tweets and TikTok adds new analytics tools. Plus, more of the latest social news in our Tuesday Tune-Up.
Reports Digital 2020: Canada – what you need to know 10 Mar 2020 Digital 2020: Canada, our annual report on social media and digital trends in Canada, has landed!
Thought Leadership International Women’s Day: how brands can avoid ‘faux feminism’ 6 Mar 2020 International Women’s Day is fast approaching. It’s become an increasingly important date in the corporate calendar, where businesses acknowledge the good work women bring to organizations, while presenting themselves as good corporate citizens as well as model employers. But has International Women’s Day become more about words than action? Here, we look at what brands […]
Digital 2020: 3.8 BILLION PEOPLE USE SOCIAL MEDIA 30 Jan 2020 Original author: Simon Kemp Our new Digital 2020 reports – published in partnership with Hootsuite – show that digital, mobile, and social media have become an indispensable part of everyday life for people all over the world. More than 4.5 billion people now use the internet, while social media users have passed the 3.8 billion […]
Reports Digital 2020 Canada 29 Jan 2020 Canada now has 25 million active social media users, with more than 900 thousand added in the last year. LinkedIn, Instagram and Snapchat have all grown their advertising audiences in Canada and social media ad spend is up 13% year-on-year. Read the full report to find out more about internet, social media, mobile, gaming, and […]
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