We’ve reached a new norm in the online space. The world may be slowing down in many ways these past few months, but business must go on and content must adapt with the times.

Now that we’re either quarantined, on lockdown, or social distancing, time spent on social media has shot up more than ever. Brands may be cutting media spend costs, but demand for content has surged, explaining the increase in organic engagement. Along with this growth in demand, online communities have flocked to emerging platforms like TikTok, Instagram livestreams, Zoom, Twitch, and more. We see brands, influencers, and celebrities dedicating their time to supporting their fanbases, and it’s heartening to see that though we’re physically apart, we’re finally coming back to the true meaning of social – to connect with intention.

Now what does this mean for brands like yours?

It’s one thing to revisit your content strategy, experiment with new platforms, and reach out to influencers doing well during this period of time. 

It’s another to plan for the long term, depending on what stage you’re at.

So where are you at?

Canvas8 has crafted a model delineating the 5 stages of a pandemic and how brands and communities should and would respond.

It goes something like this.


It’s safe to say that your brand has probably had to readjust swiftly, whether that’s driving #stayhome messages, necessary announcements, or other gestures of solidarity to combat the denial and anxiety communities will undoubtedly feel. We’ve seen this with brands manipulating their logos to communicate “social distancing” (Nike, Audi) and brands assisting people in need (Uber, Burger King). Suddenly, there’s new forms of entertainment popping up (Animal Crossing, anyone?) and offline services that have adapted for online, just to recover a sense of normalcy in our lives. In other words, you’ve adjusted. We’ve adjusted. 

Now how can you help facilitate your community so they can transition back into the physical world and into a state of new normal?

Three things: Be empathetic, be helpful, and be optimistic. Your community needs you to communicate how you will support them and your staff. Let them know they’re in safe hands, and offer solutions to encourage them to start using your services again. Keep in mind that all this is about them – avoid looking opportunistic, and be the brand that went the extra mile.

Download the full report here for tips and insights into community management, content positioning, working with influencers, how to avoid looking opportunistic, and more.