Snapchat now lets you to send music GIFs
In collaboration with TuneMoji, Snapchat has introduced a new feature that allows users to share music GIFs via chats and Stories. Just like regular GIFs, these musical GIFs contain the usual moving visual element, only this time, are backed by a portion of a chosen song. TuneMoji works like Giphy with a database of GIFs that can be searched via keywords, phrases, or emojis. For now, users looking to take advantage of the feature will need to have both TuneMoji and Snapchat downloaded on their devices, but Snapchat may soon be able to integrate these music GIFs directly within the app.
Machine learning and AI can now apply one person’s dance moves to another person
Some time back we covered a highly controversial software proliferating the web with deep learning tools that automate the process of applying someone else’s face to another on video. Well the Internet didn’t just stop there, as graphics research from UC Berkeley has taken this territory to a whole new level. The paper presents a method that captures dances moves from one person and recreates them in a video of another person. It won’t be long before the world sees this technology available to all, and social media is sure to have a wild ride when it happens.
See some of the incredible research footage here.
Snickers creates clever banner ad to catch unsuspecting users
As a perfect demonstration of their “You’re not you when you’re hungry” proposition, Snickers created a banner ad that promised users a seemingly steal of a deal – “Get one for the price of two.” It may have taken you a few seconds to realize, but yes, what in fact seems like a good deal is in fact the complete opposite – paying twice as much for a regular bar of Snickers. Users who were inattentive enough to click the banner ad were then brought to a video of a man dressed like a therapist, compassionately asking viewers if they were doing okay. As a welcome consolation to users’ blunders, an actual “2-for-1” Snickers discount code is presented at the end of the video.