Celebrate Your Fans

Simon Kemp

Red Bull have long been masters of social media engagement – an assertion borne out by the fact that they’re one of only two non-entertainment or sport brands in Facebook’s 50 most-liked pages.

One of the things that makes the brand’s activities so effective is the way they put their audience at the heart of their activities – whether that’s by making people (and not products) the heroes of their large-scale activities, or it’s involving their fans and followers in their social media activities.

They just posted this update to their Facebook page in Singapore about an hour ago, and while it’s incredibly simple, it’s a highly effective way of bringing people into the brand’s world:

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Clicking on the profile link within the post appears to take all viewers to their own Facebook profile – an entertaining surprise that helps to connect people to the brand and its proposition.

The actual post appears to be territory restricted, but you can experience it for yourself by clicking on the link in the embedded image above.

Nicely done Red Bull!