Social Service by Industry

Simon Kemp

Following our post earlier this week on social customer service, here’s another great infographic from SocialBakers that shows how things break down by industry.

What’s particularly interesting is that social customer care is clearly becoming an increasingly important priority for brands across the board, with brands increasing their response rate by 143% in the past 12 months.

According to the SocialBakers team, airlines top the ‘socially devoted’ brand rankings, with KLM taking top honours for Q2 2013.

Interestingly, alcohol and automotive brands sit at the bottom of the list by response rate with 38.2% and 37.8% respectively, barely achieving half the overall brand score average of 62%.

Despite the overall improvements though, the question remains as to whether brands will shift the majority of their customer support spend into social channels, and move away from the painfully unpersonalised “for English, press 1” approach that has dominated customer service over the past few decades.

Here are those numbers in more detail:

social customer care