We Are Social Asia Tuesday Tuneup #158


Twitter acquires Indian startup Zipdial
In a move that indicates greater emphasis on emerging markets, Twitter has bought over Zipdial, an Indian startup that allows users to subscribe to brands’ content without having to connect to the Internet. In order to do so, all users have to do is to give a missed call to a specific number belonging to a brand or service, and they will receive updates. This offline component of the service will be beneficial for Twitter to pursue users in emerging markets, where smartphone penetration and mobile data usage are still low.

Major brands in Indonesia find success on social media
While major brands like Coca-Cola have traditionally been focusing efforts on TV to launch products in Indonesia, marketers are increasingly citing issues like saturation and clutter on TV as reasons to look to Facebook first when planning campaigns. With 37 million daily active users and 71 million monthly active users, Indonesia has one of the largest Facebook users in the world.

WeChat is testing ads
WeChat has started testing ads in ‘Moments’, its (rough) equivalent to Facebook’s News Feed. So far, the network has been reluctant to include advertising; with 468.1 million monthly active users, this could be a big business. Sponsored posts will be marked as ‘promoted’.

Transfer money via Twitter
Indian bank, ICICI, has launched a ‘tweet to pay’ function. Users simply need to follow @icicibank and send a DM containing the recipient’s username and amount to be transferred. The recipient doesn’t need to be an ICICI customer either.

WhatsApp for web browsers
Want to chat to your mates at work, but can’t get away with using your phone? No, no, me neither. Anyway, say that you did, you can now access WhatsApp through a web client. Just scan a QR code using your phone and you use the messaging app on your computer.

WhatsApp for browsers

The service works for Android, BlackBerry, Nokia S60 and Windows mobile app users and you’ll have to use Chrome as your browser. WeChat was quick to remind people thatit already has a web-based service, which is iOS-friendly.

Twitter brings ‘while you were away’ to iOS
Remember when the Mashup told you about Twitter’s ‘while you were away’ feature? Sure you do. Well, it’s now rolled out to iPhone and iPad users, who will see a quick recap of the top tweets they missed since last time they logged in.

Twitter adds Bing translation tool
Twitter has added a translation service, powered by Bing. Users can now click on a globe icon, which appears in tweets in a foreign language, to have the tweet translated. The new version will appear just below the original text.

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Snapchat to launch ‘Discover’
Snapchat is set to release its ‘Discover’ feature at the end of the month. When it does, it’ll be staking its claim as a publisher, posting its own media and that of other companies, including ESPN, CNN and Vice.

Tumblr introduces Creatrs Network
Tumblr has revealed its ‘Creatrs Network’, with which it hopes to connect Tumblr bloggers with brands that want to use their content in ads and marketing. David Hayes, Tumblr’s head of creative strategy, said:

We think the creative class is really the next generation that’s going to come up and change the world and we think we have the largest creative class of any platform.

Bloggers of the world, unite.

Pinterest’s search results hope to appeal to men
Pinterest is introducing new search filters, aimed at making the network more popular with men. Now, search results will change depending on the gender you selected when signing up. According to the company, men are searching for apparel, technology, travel, gardening, recipes, gadgets, design, luxury cars, tattoos, and, errrrr, camping.

Pinterest buys Kosei
Pinterest advertising is in for a big year. Shortly after releasing its first Promoted Pins, the platform has purchased Kosei, an ad tech firm that specialises in targeting ads based on ‘relationship and recommendation modelling’.

Facebook targeting on show for the Super Bowl
Facebook is hoping to show off its ad targeting chops during the Super Bowl on Sunday. A number of brands have already signed up to show different videos to different segments of the undeniably huge audience, including Budweiser and Toyota.

NBC and the social Super Bowl
The Super Bowl isn’t just one of the world’s biggest sporting events, it’s also a rare occassion when people actually want to watch adverts. NBC, the TV network that will be broadcasting the event, is looking to cash in on this, creating a Tumblr that will be populated by ad-related content. This is part of a wider social media strategy, which will include an attempt to break the ‘selfie world record’ on Super Bowl Sunday.

Nissan enlists YouTubers for #withdad
Nissan has teamed up with YouTube stars, including Roman Atwood (below) and Epic Meal Time, to create a set of Super Bowl teaser videos. Under the hashtag #withdad, they focus on ways to get the work/family balance right. Like turning your house into a GIANT BALL PIT.

L’Oréal finding a makeup artist through social
L’Oréal Paris is launching a competition, named ‘The Brush’, with which it hopes to find a brand new makeup artist. The winner, judged from a three-minute video by L’Oréal execs and YouTubers, will receive a one-year contract with the brand.