The Sandy Hook Promise campaign will make you do a double take Created by BBDO New York, this ad promotes the campaign ‘Know the signs’, which aims to prevent gun-related crime. This spot, ‘Evan’, shows the story of the budding romance between two high school students. While we are caught up with how that plays out, it ends with an unexpected twist. A brilliant use of story and misdirection to prove how easy it can be to miss the early signs of violence until it is too late.
Creating 360° videos on your smartphone is easy as Pie Officially launched on November 14, Pie is an iOS app that enables you to create and share 360° videos, with the added features of adding filters, emojis and text on them. This is a great way for consumers to get into 360° video creation without the use of clunky equipment, as well as a gateway to the possibilities of immersive content creation.
Take a bite of this edible ad For their latest marketing stunt, jetBlue has turned to creating an edible ad that promotes their all-you-can-eat snacks policy. “The unlimited snacks are really a point of differentiation for us, and there’s an emotional benefit from it as well,” said Phil Ma, manager of brand advertising and content at JetBlue. “The ad is a great way to bring this on-board experience to life.”
For those of you who are curious – it is made of potato starch, water, vegetable oil and glycerin, which leaves us to wonder if anyone would really eat it.