Retaliatory Tweeting for a Good Cause We’re all guilty of the occasional passive aggressive rage tweet when we encounter something hostile online, especially when it comes to infamous politicians. But what if we can harness our passive aggressiveness into social good?
Through their retaliatory online donations, Trigger aims to do just that. Just tweet the hashtag #TriggerGive and the amount that you’d like to donate and to a specific organisation. Yes, it’s that easy!
Nokia to re-launch the well-loved 3310 handphone An interesting case of nostalgia marketing here. Nokia is clearly banking on the 90s kids who grew up with the Nokia 3310, and they’re planning a re-launch of the model. They’ve preserved some of the well-loved features of the original 3310, including the old-school press buttons and Snake game.
Cheeky genius from Jennifer Bolande and Desert X Meant to be experienced from a moving car, Jennifer Bolande chooses to advertise the very thing that is often overlooked in “Visible Distance/Second Sight”. As drivers approach each billboard, they align with the surroundings to form a full picture of the mountains in the distance, creating a striking juxtaposition of the virtual image against reality. In this case, the way to draw attention is to direct it away from yourself, in many ways going against the grain of how ads are so intently focused on getting their message across to the viewer in the same linear fashion.