Twitter Is Testing ‘labels’ so Everyone Can Join the Conversation Easily
Twitter is working towards being a “conversation platform”. This seemed feasible as Twitter is known for fast and responsive social interactions – the ideal for conversations to take place. Yet, users often find themselves swamped by the heaps of tweets taking place within a thread. This makes conversations difficult to follow or to even take part in.
Twitter’s new ‘Labels’ are being tested among a select number of users. It helps to identify people who are part of the conversation by marking out the author of the tweet, mentioned users, as well as those who are following the tweet.
Snapchat Is Adding a Range of Cool Stuff
During Snapchat’s first ever Partner Summit, its co-founder Bobby Murphy announced a series of developments for the platform. Something worth mentioning is definitely the ability to use Snap Camera to solve written Mathematics equations, in partnership with Photomath. All students rejoice! Other functions include finding GIFs via Giphy simply by scanning any image or object.
Snapchat is also encouraging group play by adding a games platform. It will be launching its first game, the “Bitmoji Party”, where users can compete with their friends. Simply look for the new ‘rocketship’ icon in your messaging stream to access the games.
New Snap Map Tools Could Be Coming Your Way
Snapchat’s testing new functions to help people meet up in real-life via the new UI from Snap Map. Users will be able to check-into locations using their Bitmoji characters. A new status option will allow the users to share what they’re doing, be it working, game or even eating pizza. The objective of this new tool is to facilitate meetups and boost close connections. For instance, should you be looking for company at a cafe, simply use your Bitmoji with an invitation sign, and friends who are free within the area could join you.