Tuneup We Are Social Asia Tuesday TuneUp #4 22 Nov 2011 What motivates us to use social networking sites? According to a survey by Pew Internet, 66% of US online adults use social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter with a variety of motivating factors: Chinese CEO crowdsources business decision via Sina Weibo Lei Jun, the CEO of Xiaomi, a China-based mobile internet company, decided to […]
5 Friday Facts #3 18 Nov 2011 The weekend is almost upon us again, so it’s time to take our weekly look at the 5 juiciest social media stats that caught our attention over the past 7 days. Tumblr numblrs Launched 4 years ago, Tumblr has achieved a staggering 900% growth in the past year alone to reach more than 33.3 million […]
Tuneup We Are Social Asia Tuesday TuneUp #3 15 Nov 2011 Chinese location-based app Jiepang, partners with Starbucks Jiepang users who visit one of the 200+ Starbucks outlets across Shanghai and Eastern China can now check in with near-field communication-enabled mobile devices. If 20,000 users check in by 17th December, each of those patrons will receive a free size upgrade on a drink during the following week. […]
5 Friday Facts #2 11 Nov 2011 Hooray for Friday! We’re into the final 10% of the week here in Singapore, which means it’s time for another edition of our #5FF. First and foremost, though, for anyone reading this in the early morning in the Western hemisphere, don’t forget to look out for 11:11:11, 11/11/11 today! Effect of social media campaigns According […]
Asian brands struggle with social strategy 10 Nov 2011 New research shows that more and more brands in Asia are using social media, but few have adopted a strategic approach. In particular, brands in Asia still seem to view social media as advertising channels, using them sporadically as one-way supports for conventional campaigns, rather than as longer-term relationship channels. The study, conducted by PR […]
Tuneup We Are Social Asia Tuesday TuneUp #2 8 Nov 2011 CMOs to increase spend in social media Online marketing strategies are ever changing and keeping on top of it can be a difficult task. In light of this, findings in a recent study in eMarketer conducted by IBM show that 82% of the CMOs surveyed plan to increase their investments in social media in the next 3-5 […]
Tuneup Five Friday Facts #1 4 Nov 2011 Following our first Tuesday TuneUp earlier this week, we’re continuing our run of alliterative blog post titles with some Friday fun: 5 facts or stats from around the social media world that caught our attention this week. Social Networking Revenues Revenues from social networks will reach more than $6 billion this year, delivering almost $200 […]
Tuneup We Are Social Asia Tuesday TuneUp #1 1 Nov 2011 Asia Tuesday Tuneup A very warm welcome to We Are Social’s first Asia Tuesday Tuneup! Each Tuesday, these posts will bring you the week’s top social media stories from across Asia and around the world, along with analysis and opinion from the We Are Social team in Singapore. And in the true spirit of sharing, […]
Hello Asia, We Are Social 27 Oct 2011 Today marks another exciting step for the global We Are Social family, with the launch of a new office in Singapore. Our Asian adventure has been a few months in the making, but I’m thrilled to announce that the office is now fully open for business, and we’re already helping a variety of clients and […]
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