14 Dec 2023 Samsung Ballads for Buds https://wearesocial.com/sg/case-study/samsung-ballads-for-buds/ Driving brand salience and advocacy for Samsung into the run-up to a key retail moment - the holidays.
18 Aug 2021 Samsung #VideoSnapChallenge https://wearesocial.com/sg/case-study/samsung-videosnapchallenge/ How we created the most successful TikTok hashtag challenge ever and helped Samsung engage young creators.
16 Aug 2021 Netflix ‘Calling all Will Smiths’ https://wearesocial.com/sg/case-study/netflix-calling-all-will-smiths/ We couldn't get Will Smith to promote his new film 'Bright' around the world, so instead we recruited the best...
23 Jun 2021 Samsung #ToTheMakers https://wearesocial.com/sg/case-study/samsung-tothemakers/ A branded community of Samsung-using and loving influencers who helps spread the philosophy of Do What You Can’t.
23 Jun 2021 Netflix ‘Yaass, Australia!’ https://wearesocial.com/sg/case-study/netflix-yaass-australia/ We took the The Fab Five to the rural town of Yass, Australia for their most ambitious makeover yet, and...
23 Jun 2021 Audi ‘The Drive’ https://wearesocial.com/sg/case-study/audi-the-drive/ ‘The Drive’ took viewers on a breathtaking, immersive road trip when they were stuck in lockdown.