12 Provocations on The Future of Social 25 Apr 2012 The team here at We Are Social spends a lot of time tracking the latest developments in social media. A large part of that investigation is designed to help us put together an accurate and up-to-date picture of social media platforms and their audiences around the world. However, in addition to mapping out today’s social […]
Mashup We Are Social’s Monday Mashup #115 23 Apr 2012 Trust in social grows According to Nielsen’s latest Global Trust in Advertising report, social networks and consumer-generated media continue to have a significant impact on advertising as consumers reliance on word-of-mouth in the decision-making process has increased significantly. The report showed that 92% of consumers trust friend’s recommendations above all other forms of advertising – up 18% since […]
Social media for customer service summit 19 Apr 2012 I’m going to be chairing two panels at the The Social Media for Customer Service Summit, which takes place in London on Monday and Tuesday next week. The main problem with chairing panels at social media conferences is that most people agree with each other. When talking about social at a macro level the principles […]
Making Friends & Influencing People 18 Apr 2012 In our discussions with marketers around the world, one of the questions we hear on a regular basis is: What advice would you give to a brand that’s just starting out in social media? It’s a question that’s come up again a few times in recent days, so we thought it would be helpful to […]
The 2012 Facebook Advertising Report 17 Apr 2012 Social Fresh have released a report detailing how Facebook advertisers use the platform. 70% of ads keep users on Facebook, instead of re-directing them to a brand’s website. Surprisingly, 55% of advertisers do not use sponsored stories, which are social ads that you should supposedly be more inclined to click on because it reflects the interactions […]
Mashup We Are Social's Monday Mashup #114 16 Apr 2012 Twitter beat Facebook in Q1 advertising performance According to a study of 45 billion ad impressions on Twitter and Facebook in Q1 2012, Twitter gets considerably higher CPMs than Facebook. The main difference between ads on Twitter and Facebook are that almost all Twitter ads appear in user’s streams, whereas Facebook ads appear to the […]
Top Facebook Pages in the US, Q1 2012 16 Apr 2012 Following on from their UK report, Socialbakers have just released their top Facebook Pages in the US Q1 2012 report. The report delivers the rankings of the most popular, engaging and responsive US brand and media pages on Facebook:
Top Facebook Pages in the UK, Q1 2012 16 Apr 2012 Socialbakers have just released their top Facebook Pages in the UK Q1 2012 report. The report delivers the rankings of the most popular, engaging and responsive UK brand and media pages on Facebook:
New Google+ Design, Share+ Everywhere 12 Apr 2012 Google have just revealed a new Google+ layout and interface: As part of the rollout, Google appears to have added new share functionality across a wide range of its different properties: Google Search: YouTube: Gmail: Do you think these new features are primarily intended as social networking functionality, or are they more directed at understanding […]
We Are Social's Tuesday Tweakup #10 10 Apr 2012 Social networks grow userbase and engagement eMarketer posted an interesting study of which countries they expect to grow the fastest this year in terms of social networking users – the growth in the Asian market once again underscores how important it is. The science behind ‘Why tweets go viral?’ According to researchers at Indiana University, […]
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