Barilla ‘The Rooftop Match’ Food & Drink Barilla Italy

The Brief
After Covid-19 lockdown lifted, the need for connection was stronger than ever. But the rules had changed. Barilla wanted to promote a new definition of togetherness, leveraging their brand ambassador, Roger Federer.

By monitoring the conversations of the Barilla community and the Tennis world, we uncovered the story of Carola and Vittoria, two Italian girls playing tennis from their rooftops during Covid lockdown. Their story went viral and became a universal symbol of resilience. Their passion deserved to be rewarded.
After the lockdown was lifted in Italy, Barilla took Roger Federer to Finale Ligure to surprise Carola and Vittoria. By making Roger play with them on the rooftops and later sharing lunch, Barilla told the story of a ‘New Togetherness’ that became an internet sensation worldwide, bringing to life their ‘Barilla brings people together’ proposition’ and reaching everyone’s heart.


TMZ Sport, 31 Jul 2020
Roger Federer Surprises Viral Tennis Players For Rooftop Match
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AdWeek, 1 Jul 2020
Roger Federer Surprised 2 Girls With a Match After Their Quarantine Tennis Video Blew Up
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The Times, 4 Aug 2020
Roger Federer plays tennis with Italy’s rooftop girls
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Daily Mail, 4 Aug 2020
Roger Federer joins Italy’s rooftop tennis stars to exchange a few volleys after the girls earned international fame with 12 MILLION Twitter views with their lockdown match video