20 Dec 2012 A Year on Facebook, Twitter & YouTube https://wearesocial.com/us/blog/2012/12/year-facebook-twitter-youtube/ Facebook Global Trends Facebook have released a review of 2012 on the platform, including the most important trends in the...
19 Dec 2012 Consider the human https://wearesocial.com/us/blog/2012/12/human/ Marketing magazine recently published an article from me about putting people first. They’ve been kind enough to let us reproduce...
17 Dec 2012 We Are Social’s Monday Mashup #146 https://wearesocial.com/us/blog/2012/12/socials-monday-mashup-146/ The Global Popularity of Social Media A report by the Pew Research Center has shown the increasing usage of social...
13 Dec 2012 Most Contagious 2012 https://wearesocial.com/us/blog/2012/12/contagious-2012/ Contagious rounds up the landmark events, movements and socio-economic shifts that have shaped the last year and flag up key...
13 Dec 2012 Facebook's UK audience: Insights https://wearesocial.com/us/blog/2012/12/facebooks-uk-audience-insights/ Facebook have just released this nice video looking at how British people are spending their time on Facebook:
12 Dec 2012 Lenovo chooses We Are Social https://wearesocial.com/us/blog/2012/12/lenovo-chooses-social/ As you may have read in Adweek, MediaPost, Campaign or Campaign Asia last week, we’re delighted to announce that Lenovo...
11 Dec 2012 Top Facebook Pages in the UK, Nov ’12 https://wearesocial.com/us/blog/2012/12/top-facebook-pages-uk-nov-12/ Following on from their US report, Socialbakers have just released their top Facebook Pages in the UK November 2012 report....
10 Dec 2012 We Are Social's Monday Mashup #145 https://wearesocial.com/us/blog/2012/12/socials-monday-mashup-145/ The majority of social media roles at brands are part time A study entitled “Structuring a Social Media Team” has...
10 Dec 2012 Top Facebook Pages in the US, Nov ’12 https://wearesocial.com/us/blog/2012/12/top-facebook-pages-nov-12/ Socialbakers have just released their top Facebook Pages in the US November 2012 report. The report delivers the rankings of...
06 Dec 2012 The Nielsen Social Media Report 2012 https://wearesocial.com/us/blog/2012/12/nielsen-social-media-report-2012/ Nielsen have just released their 2012 Social Media Report: The headline findings are: What’s driving the continued growth of social...