5 Friday Facts #2

Simon Kemp

Hooray for Friday! We’re into the final 10% of the week here in Singapore, which means it’s time for another edition of our #5FF. First and foremost, though, for anyone reading this in the early morning in the Western hemisphere, don’t forget to look out for 11:11:11, 11/11/11 today!

Effect of social media campaigns
According to TNS Digital Life, 50% of all social media campaigns go unnoticed. Consumers in the US and the UK are the most cynical, compared to 59% of those in developing markets who view social networks as an excellent source of information about brands and products.

Sharing music on Facebook
Since music apps started appearing in Facebook’s ticker just a few weeks back, the network’s users have shared their listening activity more than 1.5 billion times. The biggest winner appears to be Spotify, who have added more than 4 million new users since f8.

Facebook’s largest market
India is set to become Facebook’s largest market. Currently third in the world in terms of Facebook usage with 34 million users, India is expected to leapfrog Indonesia’s 45 million users to second place soon.

China’s microblogs
Sina Weibo revealed that it has more than 250 million registered users and 25 million daily active users, but only 300,000 of these are verified users. Not to be overshadowed, Tencent Weibo claims to have over 300 million registered users.

Photo-sharing on Twitter
After finally launching its photo-sharing service in June 2011, Twitter has now seized first place from the third-party apps that used to dominate its social network, gaining a 36.1% market share.