5 Friday Facts #3

Simon Kemp

The weekend is almost upon us again, so it’s time to take our weekly look at the 5 juiciest social media stats that caught our attention over the past 7 days.

Tumblr numblrs
Launched 4 years ago, Tumblr has achieved a staggering 900% growth in the past year alone to reach more than 33.3 million accounts and 12.25 billion posts. Tumblr has a hard core of loyal fans, with 2% of users accounting for 43% of total visits. Japan is Asia’s top country on Tumblr with just 2.8% of all unique visits, while the Philippines is second with 2.6%. 

Smartphones in China
97% of urban Chinese residents own mobile phones, of which 35% use smartphones. As a result, the market for mobile advertising in China has great potential, especially with 50% of smartphone users noticing ads, and 39% clicking on them.

Finding employment on social networks
More than 22 million Americans used social networks to find jobs this year, as recruiting software platform Jobvite discovered in their Social Job Seeker Survey 201154% of job seekers are using Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter in their search, and more than 15% of the Americans surveyed secured a job through social networking.

Video hype for Nokia N9 launch in China
Nokia’s video-marketing campaign for their Nokia N9 launch in China generated quite a stir. The original ‘tweet’ by Nokia’s China marketing manager currently has 13,302 comments and 316,506 ‘retweets’ on Sina Weibo. Meanwhile, the video itself, launched through China’s biggest video-sharing site Youku, saw nearly 1 million views in just one day.

Small Businesses on Facebook
An astounding 96% of small businesses surveyed by engagement marketing company Constant Contact have a presence on Facebook, and 86% find Facebook to be an effective marketing tool. In terms of engaging with their audiences, 60% claimed to respond to all comments on social media platforms.

Got a stat to trumps these? Share it with us on twitter: @wearesocialsg