Five Friday Facts #1

Simon Kemp

Following our first Tuesday TuneUp earlier this week, we’re continuing our run of alliterative blog post titles with some Friday fun: 5 facts or stats from around the social media world that caught our attention this week.

Social Networking Revenues
Revenues from social networks will reach more than $6 billion this year, delivering almost $200 per second. The figures come from analysis firm Strategy Analytics, who predict that this figure will reach $12.6 billion in 2016.

Average Klout
According to reports from yesterday’s #KloutChat event, the average Klout score is around 20. A score of 50 or more puts you in the 95th percentile – i.e. you’re pretty influential.

Facebook to Go
The latest edition of Next Generation Media reports that more than 350 million people around the world access Facebook through mobile devices.

Underground Networks
Meanwhile, Penn Olson reports that passengers can access the internet while underground in 84% of Asia’s subways. Deep.

Tweets from the Seoul
Twitter is increasing in popularity in South Korea, with the country’s 3.34 million users tweeting around 3 million times each day. This is in contrast to the 200 million tweets that Twitter say are made throughout the world each day.