Five Friday Facts #49


Google+ success stories: Malaysia Airlines & Cadbury UK
recent report by covered 2 success stories for Malaysia Airlines and Cadbury UK and presented the latest statistics for the social network. Google+ claims to have more than 400 million users with 150 million monthly active users and 75 million daily active users. The average time spent on Google+ by daily active users is 12 minutes, an improvement from an average of 9 minutes clocked 3 months ago. It was found that more users are accessing Google+ from mobile devices than desktops. Another feather in its cap: more than a million brands have set up Google+ profile pages since business pages were rolled out in November 2011. How did Google+ work for Malaysia Airlines? The airline reported gaining more than 58,000 fans in the 6 months since its Google+ launch, held in conjunction with its rebranding exercise and introduction of the A380 to its fleet. Cadbury U.K. is another brand that has experienced Google+ success. The brand has more than 2.6 million fans and reported 1,565 +1’s, over a 100 reshares and close to 300 comments for its recent post on wafer shells.

The demographics of a typical Chinese Weibo user
In a recent report, the typical Chinese microblog (known as Weibo in China) user is male (57.4%), married (62.41%) and well-educated (54% hold a bachelor’s degree). 59% hail from 1st (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen) and 2nd tier cities in China (eg. Nanjing, Chongqing and Dalian).

Instagram in numbers
Instagram has just turned two. How exactly is it faring? Currently, Instagram has more than 100 million registered users, over 5 billion uploaded photos (which works out to over 5 million photos uploaded daily) and is growing at an average rate of 10 million new users per month. In August, Instagram surpassed Twitter’s popularity with an average of 7.3 million daily active users spending 257 minutes on the app versus 6.9 million daily active Twitter users who spent 170 minutes. Instagram still has a long way to go to achieve Facebook’s (its parent company) numbers, where 300 million photos are uploaded daily to the platform, but its growth potential can only be enhanced with the backing of the social networking giant.

More than 50% of Twitter users follow 6 or more brands
In a presentation early this month, Twitter reported that 88% of its US users follow at least one brand whilst more than 50% of them follow 6 or more brands. The reasons ranged from getting freebies and discounts to access to exclusive or promotional content. A photo of slide projected at the presentation shows the breakdown of US Twitter user numbers according to the number of brands they follow.

Twitter, an effective campaign tool?
Twitter has been an effective tool for politicians in the US. Recent figures show that average US Twitter users are 68% more likely to visit a campaign donation page in comparison to a normal Internet user in the US. Close to 2 million tweets were sent weekly about the presidential candidates in the month of August. The first 2012 presidential debate created a flurry of more than 10 million tweets, which became the most tweeted event in US politics.

The same study showed that Twittter users who were exposed to any kind of political tweets were almost twice as likely (97%) as other Twitter users to visit an online political donation page. Twitter users who had been exposed to political tweets were also more likely to donate and the probability rises according to the exposure. The study showed that Twitter users who read political posts over 3 to 7 days were 31% more likely to donate than an average Twitter user.