All hell broke loose as social media exploded during Game of Thrones finale
The eagerly anticipated season finale of Game of Thrones garnered hundereds of thousands of mentions on social media channels, with conversations peaking at 5,680 mentions per minute on Twitter alone over the episode’s runtime. There were many key events that took place in the episode, but the main thing on everyone’s lips (or tweets)? Cersei, who accounted for around 12,000 mentions alone. Looks like her claim to the Iron Throne is legitimate after all, at least on Twitter.
WeChat still reigns over China, but do not discount Weibo just yet
WeChat has been the top app in China, breaking the 700 million active users mark recently, with Weibo (once a top app itself), trailing behind with 222 million active users. However, marketers shouldn’t dismiss Weibo completely, as it has been registering strong quarterly growth rates (6.3% vs WeChat’s 7.2%), suggesting that “Weibo might be finding its own niche as a platform for open content distribution even as WeChat continues to grow its more closed, friends-circle based platform.”
Facebook rolls out Canvas for non-sponsored posts Facebook Canvas was initially launched as a mobile ad which, once clicked, opens into an interactive, full-screen page. UNTIL NOW. Now the format can also be used on regular posts without advertising spend. Facebook says Canvas, which launched in February, is already a big success, with users spending an average of 31 seconds on it.
Facebook Live adds new features Three new features have been announced for Facebook Live. The first is that soon two people will be able to livestream together, which is great for remote communication. Secondly, a new ‘waiting room’ is being created, where users can gather in before a livestream begins and thirdly, Facebook is allowing users to livestream from the MSQRD app (which adds a Snapchat style lens) if they’d prefer to use an alter ego instead.
Twitter introduces new video features According to Twitter, video tweets have increased by over 50% since the beginning of 2016. To encourage further video tweeting, Twitter increased the maximum video length from from 30 seconds to 140 seconds. For a full-screen experience, you can now tap on a video/Vine on your timeline, which will also suggest other videos you might like to watch. For creators, they’ve also released a new app to help inform video-making with real-time data.