LinkedIn plays catch up, allows video uploads LinkedIn is launching a new feature to let users upload videos via mobile app. It isn’t a surprising move, but it does give brands room to develop new strategies to capture a more B2B, career-focused target audience. These videos can be videos to highlight professional work, projects that are in progress or even product demonstrations.Linkedin has been busy ramping up its capabilities recently, adding various features such as the ability to share multiple photos, article drafts, and the ability to manage comments.
Facebook discontinues 17 ad formats Facebook has announced that it will not be continuing 17 rarely used ad formats which are not ‘closely-tied’ to advertiser objectives. The following ad formats listed below will be removed by 15 September 2017.
Boosting share of products from shops
Boosting the share of a story about a for-sale post
Boosting a check-in on a map, at a restaurant, or in a city
Boosting the share of a note
Boosting the share of a poll
Boosting place recommendations
Boosting the share of cultural moments
Boosting the share of comments
Boosting change of a Profile picture
Boosting a file upload or share
Boosting a sports event
Boosting of a video or image uploaded through the Facebook camera
Boosting of attendance for an event
Boosting the share of a video playlist
Boosting the status of watching a television show, movie, or other types of programming
Boosting a post from an app posted to a Page’s timeline
Boosting a political endorsement
Meanwhile, existing campaigns using the formats above should shift to supported formats by 29 September or have its delivery paused.
Tiger Beer Jumps On Game of Thrones Finale Frenzy There is no better way to connect with the young masses than through a great pop-culture reference – especially when that reference is from the most watched TV series in recent years – Game of Thrones. Tiger Beer Singapore capitalised on this popularity with a clever post (see image above), tying it in their newly launched Black and White Beers, just in time for Monday’s finale.
The posts gathered over 1,500 engagements, with fans of the show picking up exactly what they were putting down.