By Sebastian Leow, Clio Goh and Erasmus Williams

Facebook Reactions are about to get a lot more animated!

Technology blogger and app researcher Jane Manchun Wong recently spotted new back-end code on Facebook’s app, hinting new variations of its post reactions.



In comparison, the new color styles add more depth to the images, making them slightly more cartoonish.

So, what’s the big deal with this change? Knowing that Facebook has made Reactions a more significant signal than a basic Like in the News Feed algorithm, this update provides a practical, reach benefit for marketers. The use of reactions has been steadily increasing over time (particularly the ‘Angry’ Reaction). Clearly, people love reacting to things. These freshly-minted reactions could drive even more usage amongst the audience — more reactions means more reach and engagement, for marketers that’s always a win!

All your data in one place – Instagram Dashboard is Coming to Facebook Creator Studio

According to reports, Facebook is testing out a new Instagram dashboard, which will be launched within the Creator Studio app launched last year.

The Creator Studio app is a valuable tool for admins to track, manage content performance and insights across different Facebook Pages, which allows them to effectively manage their Pages and businesses.

With the addition of Instagram dashboard, it would make it easier for creators and admins to keep track of their assets, notifications, and messages in one place. It’ll allow them to switch between Facebook or Instagram statistics. However, there’s no word from Facebook on when it will be available to users at this point.

While this new addition doesn’t offer something new functionally, as all information is already available within any Instagram business profiles’ insights, it is still a helpful tool which makes information more readily accessible across both platforms.

Now, you can create shareable minute-long clips from any public podcasts using Overcast.

Over the weekend, Overcast, a popular podcast player on iOS, has added support for clip sharing. This update makes it easier for users to share clips from any public podcasts, whether it’s audio or video.

That means an avid listener has the ability to give their favorite podcast a viral boost, sharing their favorite minute of the podcast on their personal social media accounts, exposing it new listeners.

Only time will tell to what extent this new clip-sharing feature is adopted, but for now, with it’s sharing ability, let’s hope it welcomes more people to the podcast world.