These interactive ad formats are proving to be effective. E!, for example, saw a 1.6x increase in brand awareness when they ran ads with interactive polls to promote one of their TV shows. Meanwhile, Skater shoe brand Vans experienced a 4.4% lift in ad recall with a playable ad where players guide a skateboarder down the mountain. Lastly, WeMakeUp achieved a 27.6% lift in purchases with their AR ad campaign, allowing users to try on new shades of makeup virtually.
Mark D’Arcy, Facebook’s chief creative officer and vice president of global business marketing, acknowledged that these interactive ad formats aren’t exactly new ideas,
but instead of a clunky microsite, users are now experiencing it on Facebook organically as a post. Facebook managed to make these experiences lightweight, fun, and super scalable. D’Arcy also mentioned that these formats would evolve as advertisers and brands experiment with them.
Snapchat gives your selfies depth with just a wiggle
Last week, Snapchat announced its new 3D Camera Mode, which allows users to create 3D images that move, making static images… well, less static. Users are able to get a better sense of dimension by moving their phone to look at the image from different perspectives.
These 3D selfies taken on Snapchat can be embellished with filters and stickers for additional fun. As of now, this feature is only available on devices that have TrueDepth cameras, meaning that it can only be used by owners of iPhone X and later models. However, all users are able to view these 3D images.
Snapchat has mentioned that they plan to support different camera sensors and Android devices over time, and once this becomes more integrated, we can look forward to a new wave in photography, where images have a layer of interactivity as well.
Snapchat Publishes Study On Gen Z’s Approach To New Brands
According to Snapchat, “Over a quarter of Gen Z said they first heard about a new brand from a friend or family member’s recommendation.”. It is also interesting to note that in this case, influencer posts have been ranked the lowest with 9% while friends and family make up 27% of the sample population.
It is possible to deduce that Gen Z consumers are becoming warier of influencer/ brand partnerships. UGCs could also be a more relevant avenue through which brands could connect with the younger generation of consumers for future campaigns.
2. Gen Z consumers are more likely to head to a brand’s website than their social profiles
Gen Z consumers are seen to value user reviews as resources to tap on for new beauty brands while friends and family are more relied upon for learning about new food brands.
3. A majority of Gen Z consumers would stop using a brand if the business was found to be practising unethical processes
These findings show that brands would need to showcase their stance on certain issues so as to solidify their appeal to Gen Z consumers. The research also suggests that the next generation is becoming increasingly aware of how their opinions affect brands and looking to reward businesses with good practices thought positive social mentions – 46% of the respondents said they had shared about a positive brand experience and 40% indicated that they recently shared good customer service experiences with their friends or family.