We Are Social’s Tuesday Tune-Up #104


DJs tries to recapture youth market
David Jones Australia has launched an interactive, shoppable campaign in a bid to attract young shoppers and capitalise on growth in the online space. The campaign, called ‘#WeAre’, aims to promote its stable of youth-focused fashion designers including Bec & Bridge, Finders Keepers, MinkPink and Shakuhachi. It is led by a 45-second shoppable spot on YouTube which allows viewers to click on the products featured (themed in clickable sections, ‘We Are Bold’ etc) and be taken directly to the product page on the DJs website.

Perhaps they’ve been inspired by our namesakes! 😉

The campaign is being supported with social media and in-store activations.

Man Buys Promoted Tweet to Complain About British Airways
Feeling livid after British Airlines lost his father’s bag, Twitter user Hasan Syed has taken on British Airways by buying a promoted tweet to complain about it.

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Syed declined to disclose how much the tweet cost. It has caught the attention of Marty St. George though, senior vice-president of marketing and commercial at JetBlue Airways:

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To date, British Airways have not responded to Syed, his last post expressing the following sentiment:
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Google+ and Tumblr Join Social Good Summit
How can social platforms contribute to social good and activism? Ramya Raghavan from Google+ and Liba Rubenstein from Tumblr will come together on stage at Social Good Summit to share what their platforms bring to the social good space.


This September, the theme for the Social Good Summit is how we can use the digital tools of today to plan for #2030Now. Ramya and Liba will be joined at the Social Good Summit by influencers and activists such as Ian Somerhalder, Al Gore, and teenage cancer research Jack Andraka.

Social overtaking search for content discovery
According to UK research presented in eMarketer, social is becoming an ever more important tool for locating content online. This was particularly true of 18-24 year olds – 43% of the internet users polled from said age group answered that they considered social more important than search for the purpose. This was less true with older age groups; in fact, just 5% of over 55s said the same.

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Facebook and Twitter still behind local networks in Russia
According to research from comScore, Facebook and Twitter are still trailing behind other social networks in Russia in terms of monthly members and average time spent. With around 8m and 5m users respectively, both are a considerable distance behind Vk.com (almost 50m), Odnoklassniki (nearly 38m) and Mail.Ru’s My World (over 17m). Facebook considerably outdid Twitter in the average time spent by a visitor, with comparative figures of 30.2 mins and 6.9 mins, but considering that Vk.com registered over 5 hrs, there is still a long way for the two networks to go.

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Facebook open newsfeed competitions
Facebook, which previously stipulated that an app be used for pages to run a competition, has decided to allow them through the newsfeed. This should be interesting for brands, who will no longer require the budget necessary to create or lease an app; fans can enter simply by liking, commenting on or sharing a status. For the full lowdown, take a look at the post we’ve written on the changes.

Update to conversations on Twitter
Twitter has updated how it presents conversations, intending to make them easier to read. Now, tweets that are part of a conversation appear in chronological order, with a little blue line connecting them to make it clear what’s going on. The video below explains the update.

Twitter test ability to tweet excerpts from articles
Twitter last week performed a test with the New York Times that allowed users to tweet certain sections from an article, not just the headline, as had previously been the case. In one article about Saturday Night Live, the network chose certain sections that they felt people were likely to want to tweet, then highlighted them such that they could be automatically selected for sharing. The newspaper noted that the story was shared 11 times more frequently than the average from their top 500 articles of the last month, so it’s likely that we’ll be seeing this tool more in the future.

Location aware recommendations on Foursquare without checkin
Foursquare has announced that it is trialling push notifications based on location, without users having to checkin. The system will suggest occasional places to eat, or sights that you should see if in a new city and will function based on a variety of location signals. By not using GPS alone, it manages to dramatically reduce the battery life necessary, making this a possibility for the first time. The system is being rolled out to a few thousand Android users for testing.

Tumblr creates collaborations for New York Fashion Week
Tumblr has linked 20 fashion bloggers with designers and relevant organisations to create content for New York Fashion Week. These will take the form of ‘apprenticeships’, with the bloggers learning from their mentors and helping them produce an installation, which will be displayed in a New York gallery during the event.

Pinterest and Fashion Week
Pinterest, too, is ramping up its Fashion Week activity and has created a dedicated hub where designers and other influencers can share their various inspiration, featuring content from the likes of Michael Kors and Oscar de la Renta. In addition, the network has partnered with the television channel ‘Style Network’ to bring an on-screen ‘It List’, featuring the top ten trends for the upcoming season.

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ESPN using Twitter’s Amplify for sport highlights
Sports broadcaster ESPN is set to use Twitter’s social TV platform, Amplify, to show highlights of the college American football season on Twitter. These will be pre-rolled by adverts for Verizon Wireless as part of a larger #DidYouSeeThat campaign, which will extend to ESPN’s on-screen TV coverage of the sport. The move comes after similar deals by Twitter for the MTV VMAs and with the USTA for US Open coverage – evidently, Twitter is working hard on bulking up its already strong links with TV.

GAP make us of .gif on Facebook
After tech firm Giphy has created a product that allows .gifs on Facebook, high-street fashion brand GAP has made use of the technology. It posted its first .gif, shown below, to its Facebook page last week, accompanied by #BacktoBlue copy.


Co-op produces Snapchat campaign
The co-operative is set to become the first major UK brand to use Snapchat in a marketing campaign, promoting their electrical business. Customers will be sent a code for a £30 discount on a laptop, which will ‘self destruct’ after a short time, as with all Snapchat messages.

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