In its most recent attempt to maintain a position as one of the world’s most important social platforms, Twitter has rolled out this new feature to Aussies today. The curated, short-form storytelling style coverage of live events looks to be targeted mostly at new users, or users who have struggled to connect with Twitter on a regular basis. Perhaps this will make Twitter a little more accessible to the masses.
The feature also allows you to follow live events as they’re happening and get key tweets about it in your feed, automatically stopping after the event has concluded.
Facebook encourages Aussies to show their support for Marriage Equality
Facebook is allowing its Australian users to frame their profile pic with a special marriage equality theme. Facebook, which is an official sponsor of this weekend’s Sydney Mardi Gras, says this is the first time they have partnered with a specific local cause.
Uber delivered actual puppies to offices around Australia last week
If this is news to you, then yes, you have missed out. For a $40 “snuggle fee” (money went towards the participating animal shelters, of course) city office workers were treated with 15 minutes of precious cuddle time with 2x puppies delivered to their door via Uber. Woof!
The reaction to Facebook Reactions global launch
Despite linguists not exactly being very wow about the new feature, this big evolution for Facebook seems to have gone down pretty well with the majority of its users. We’re seeing plenty of the new reactions rolling in on our clients accounts already, however good ol’ likes still prevail as the strongest reaction type (and probably always will).
Analysts are now considering what ulterior motives might be behind the introduction of reactions. Of course, more options means more data collected by Facebook, which means both more potential targeting options for advertisers, and yet another element added to the behemoth of an algorithm the platform uses to produce the ‘best news feed experience’ for its users.
We know that Facebook has done (not so) secret research back in 2014 testing the effect of the spread of positive or negative emotions via the platform when it increased those respective types of stories in particular users’ feeds. So long story short, by serving users more stuff that makes people feel happy, people will feel good when using the platform, and use it more. Ya?
There are now over 200,000 businesses advertising on Instagram
In news just out, we’ve learnt that Instagram now has even more advertisers than Twitter (who have 130,000). What’s fascinating about this is that it only really had a couple of hundred advertisers back in June, just before they opened up the advertising platform to all businesses, when we all ran towards to platform with open arms (and wallets).
Facebook launches its rich ‘Canvas’ ad format to all users
Gucci used Canvas to present its new collection during Fashion Week. Coca-Cola and Burberry were also quick to test out the new format.
Leo wins Oscar and Internet breathes collective sigh of relief
The Oscars is one of the biggest social events of the year and anybody who is anybody was there. But for those of us who aren’t anybody, we had Twitter.
Oscar memes were rife as the world celebrated the long awaited moment when our Leo fulfilled his lifelong dreams.