There were tears and there were tantrums, but Instagram’s algorithm is coming. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from Instagram though, it’s that you can bring the silver lining out of any storm cloud with the right filter, and it looks like that filter is here. The first screenshots of Instagram’s new analytics have surfaced, and they look pretty darn cool. Similar to Facebook, Instagram is about to provide valuable data on who your followers are, when they’re online and how many impressions your posts are getting – all served to you on your mobile device with the funkiest of charts.
Facebook is introducing 360 photos
Turn around bright eyes, Facebook has raised the bar yet again with 360-degree photos.
Making good on their acquisition of Oculus Rift and partnership with Samsung VR, 360-photos will be rolling out to Androids in the coming weeks. When viewing a 360-photo on your Samsung phone, there will be the option to “View in VR”. Tap it, insert your phone into your Gear VR headset, and the next minute you’re right there in the middle of Bora Bora*. The only catch is you need a Samsung Gear VR headset, but let’s face it – that is much cheaper and much more convenient than flying to Tahiti (and there’s no chance of you making that awkward Diagon Alley/Diagonelly mixup).
Twitter to Stop Counting Photos and Links in 140-Character Limit
YEP, YOU READ THAT RIGHT. IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING AND WE ARE SO EXCITED. An anonymous source who we are praying is actually legit revealed that Twitter will soon stop counting photos and links as part of its 140-character limit. The change is allegedly/apparently/maybe/hopefully being rolled out in the next two weeks, according to He/She Who Must Not Be Named (Because They Requested That Their Identity Be Kept Secret). Twitter has declined to comment on the issue, but there have been rumours of an impending shakeup for months now.
(Actual surveillance footage of the information exchange)
WhatsApp launches native desktop app for Windows and Mac
In news that is completely irrelevant to us all because we are far too busy to message our friends during work, WhatsApp announced last week that it launched a native desktop app available on both Windows and Mac devices. The Facebook-owned company said it supports desktop notifications, better keyboard shortcuts, and procrastination. All messages are synced with WhatsApp’s mobile devices as well.
Twitter users trust influencers as much as they trust their friends
Friends, who needs ‘em? Not me. At least that’s the conclusion Twitter has reached, claiming that social media influencers have nearly as much clout as your friends. The research found that 56% of those surveyed said they rely on recommendations from friends when it comes to purchase intent, while 49% said they rely on influencers.
Instagram’s new look
Out with the old and in(stagram) with the new – everyone’s favourite photo sharing app has got itself a fancy new look. It has a new logo – a simpler camera icon with a rainbow gradient – and changes were made within the app, most notably the chic new black-and-white design. In line with this, Instagram’s other creative apps, Layout, Boomerang and Hyperlapse have been updated as well. The new look is said to have been inspired by Instagram’s community, as it reflects how vibrant and diverse the pictures we share have become. So you’ve got yourself to thank/blame.