Snapchat cashes in As users, we’re horrified. As an agency, we’re popping champagne. What’s the occasion? Snapchat is launching a wide range of ad updates including ads between stories, expandable snap ads, and an ad API (application programming interface), which will allow Snapchat ads to be sold by third parties for the first time. Hot on the heels of Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram, Snapchat is also launching measurement tools to prove its impact to brands. We’re relieved, to say the least, seeing as the current Snapchat stats (Snapstats?) are limited and cryptic.
Facebook Messenger adds ‘Home’ button Welcome home, Facebook fans. Messenger is about to launch a new Home button in the bottom right corner of the app’s screen. The button will let you see your most recent messages. Additionally, Facebook is adding a ‘favourites’ section that groups the users you message the most.
Instagram introduces ‘profile tap’ mobile banner ads You’re not alone, Snapchat. Instagram also likes to add ads. Instagram is rolling out a feature that links ads to profile pages so that when a user clicks on an ad from the news feed, a banner pops up at the bottom of the screen. The banner prompts people to take an action (visit a website, download an app, etc.). In a statement, Instagram said:
“We found that Instagrammers were routinely tapping on a company’s name from a direct response ad to learn more. Now when that happens, the call-to-action button from that same ad extends to the company’s profile page to make it easier for people to discover a business they care about.”
Meerkat launches Houseparty video chat app
Who goes to actual parties anymore, honestly? As usual, there’s an app for that! Back in March, Meerkat CEO Ben Rubin said the company was moving away from livestreaming (admitting they couldn’t compete with Facebook and Twitter) and shifting focus to group video chat. Say hello to Houseparty – an app available on both Android and iOS that offers a simple way to chat to many friends at once. Meerkat has yet to confirm their involvement, but rumours are circulating that they are behind it. All this gossip has us missing real house parties!
Facebook will track whether ads lead to offline purchases… In a bid to figure out which ‘moment of truth’ Facebook best taps into on the path to purchase, the platform is rolling out a new way to measure the impact of its ads. The new measurement tools will allow stores to see how many people visit a retail location or make offline purchases after seeing a Facebook campaign.
…and launches Creative Hub to simplify ad creation Facebook has created an online platform for agencies, brands and anyone involved in the creation of ads to share, review, test and create ads on Facebook and Instagram. Facebook is billing it as an online space meant to foster collaboration, saying it will make it easier for creatives to build ads. We’re convinced it’s a way to simplify spending money with them, but that’s just us. Thanks, Facebook!
Twitter introduces Periscope autoplaying in the Timeline… Until recently, Periscope broadcasts have appeared on Twitter as uninspiring URLs. However, a new update allows broadcasts to autoplay (sans sound) in Twitter profiles, timelines and individual tweets. This integration has been a top user request for months and will surely increase Periscope downloads. It will also create a more vibrant, visual Twitter experience. Of course, the bitter rivalry between Facebook and Twitter continues. Facebook’s live video offering still has the advantage of being viewed indefinitely after broadcasting as opposed to Periscope’s 24-hour limit, but this is also reportedly changing.
… and now lets advertisers use emojis as keywords All hail Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year 2015: emoji. Based on popularity, it was only a matter of time before Twitter hopped on board to monetise emojis for brands. Per this update, we can now target Tweeters based on emojis they have used in the past. Here are some of our predictions for highest-bidding brands:
Tinder CEO Sean Rad confirmed that Tinder Social, the functionality launched in Australia that allows you to add your friends to groups for double, triple or quadruple dates, will spread to other countries soon. Currently only available to a selecte number of users, reception over here has been mixed. But bitter daters, be gone! Obviously someone is seeing success – the feature will be rolled out internationally in the upcoming weeks.
Microsoft acquires LinkedIn for $26.2 billion Microsoft has outbid competitors like Salesforce to acquire LinkedIn at a 50% premium to its share price. That means Microsoft has paid around $255 for each user (and all their juicy personal data of course). Finally, we know our worth. This is an expensive move for Microsoft, who has had varying results with acquisitions in the past. Its first-ever purchase – a company called Forethought – went on to create a programme that may have been the bane of your existence once or twice – PowerPoint. A less successful buy was Nokia’s mobile unit in 2013, which was written off in 2015. Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella, sees the deal as a great way to widen the market for Microsoft products and says it will allow the company to access this social network phenomenon that everyone seems to be banging on about nowadays. Welcome, Microsoft, you paid to a lot to come to the party.
#CatsAgainstBrexit breaks the internet
Cats win again! In anticipation of this week’s referendum, UK cat fans have creatively taken to Twitter to show their support for Britain staying in the EU. Within just a few hours, #CatsAgainstBrexit gained such momentum internationally that it reached all ends of the social sphere and shed light on the issue across the globe. Our office cat even expressed her disapproval of the ‘Vote Leave’ campaign. Meet (and Tweet!) Veronica. Her next stop? Office of Government.