Facebook scraps its plans to bring ads to WhatsApp – for now Turns out some places are sacred after all. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Facebook has disbanded the team created to work on the integration of ads into WhatsApp and has since deleted the corresponding code from the app. True to form, however, Facebook, is still reportedly investigating ways to introduce ads to WhatsApp’s Status feature in the future.
Instagram rolls out Direct Messaging for desktop Instagram Desktop Users hive let me hear you make some noise! Over six years after the feature was first introduced on mobile, Instagram is finally bringing DMs to its desktop app. Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri confirmed the news in a tweet last week, explaining that the feature is now available to test with a small number of users but hopes it will be more widely available very soon. Direct Messaging on the web will work much the same as it does on the mobile app, inasmuch as unwanted creeps will now be able to slide into them in a widescreen format.
For those of you into your DMs, today we start to test Direct on the desktop web. Now, it’s only a small percentage of people for now — we need to make sure it works well — but we hope to bring this to everyone soon.https://t.co/x0toGW66Bp
YouTube launches Profile cards Following an initial testing period, which began last September, YouTube has released its new Profile cards feature to the Android-using general public. Users can access the new feature by clicking on the profile picture of anyone who has commented on a video to see the person’s name, profile photo, subscriptions, subscriber counts, and recent comments (limited to comments on the channel you’re currently viewing). YouTube says that the new feature is a way to help creators easily identify their biggest fans (and, conversely, most dedicated faceless trolls) and has confirmed it will launch on other devices in the future.
Twitter confirms that it won’t be getting an edit option Kim Kardashian may be able to singlehandedly solve institutionalised racism amongst incarcerated persons, but it turns out she can’t effect real change!
I had a very good convo with @jack this weekend at Kanye’s bday and I think he really heard me out on the edit button.
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) June 13, 2018
Twitter’s CEO, Jack Dorsey, confirmed in an interview with WIRED magazine that – despite strong advocacy from the platform’s most influential users – Twitter will not be getting an edit button in the foreseeable future, and likely never will. This latest statement goes against comments made by the CEO in 2016, in which he gave users hope by suggesting that tweet editing could be made available within a confined window.
LinkedIn brings LinkedIn Live to all Company Pages Twitch whomst? LinkedIn has announced the addition of LinkedIn Live – the platform’s live streaming service – to all Company Pages, along with a number of smaller updates to kick off the new year. To better support live streaming, the platform is also working on a stream targeting feature with third-party tools to help Company Pages better reach the right audiences.
Pinterest becomes the third-biggest social media platform in the US Pinterest’s shares rocketed up 13 per cent last week, after a new report by eMarketer revealed that it had beaten Snapchat to become the third-biggest social media platform in the US in terms of users. According to the report, Pinterest had an estimated 82.4 million US users in 2019, up 7.4 per cent from the previous year, while Snapchat had 80.2 million users. Pinterest’s US user figures are also projected to rise by 4.4 per cent to 86 million in 2020.
Pinterest expands its emotional wellbeing activities Following the initial introduction of its emotional wellbeing activities to the US last July, Pinterest has expanded the service to Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore and the UK. The platform’s emotional wellbeing activities are a series of guided activities, created with the help of emotional health experts, that are triggered by search terms that might indicate someone is struggling (such as ‘Stress Quotes’).
Sorry To This Man: An Awards Season Column Awards season continues to generate no shortage of ~meme-able~ moments, and this week’s Screen Actors’ Guild awards ceremony proved no different. The Bong Hive made plenty of noise for Parasite’s historic victory as the first foreign-language movie to win SAG’s coveted best ensemble prize, but it paled in comparison to the collective social outcry emitted over two award-winning divorcées onto whom we can’t stop projecting the fantasy that no door is ever closed. I’m sure they’ll be fine.
GUYS Brad and Jen was YEARS ago ok ENOUGH already now would everybody PLEASE just STOP and tell me WHERE I should get this TATTOOED pic.twitter.com/2q6IUQDea0