Samsung Ballads for Buds

Technology Samsung Australia
Samsung Ballads for Buds case study

The Brief

As the biggest retail moment of the year approached, Samsung needed to drive awareness amongst a hard-to-reach and notoriously fickle Gen Z audience around the Holiday gifting season. They wanted their ecosystem of Galaxy products to be top-of-mind when Gen Z started thinking of giving (or receiving) gifts during this period.


Gifting is a chance to show a friend just how well you know them. Often, it’s little things – such as shared moments – that become the catalyst for a gift.


We partnered with a Gen Z icon and talented songwriter known for making everyday moments feel special: Samsung ambassador, Sabrina Carpenter.

Together we wrote a series of short songs, Ballads for Buds, that celebrated three real friendships, cleverly matching Samsung Galaxy products to the little moments that defined them.

It started with a call-out on Twitter to find stories: we engaged Sabrina’s most devoted followers, inviting fans from around the world to share with us moments that defined their friendships.

Sabrina and her team then wrote three original and unique songs – each fan’s story matched with a Samsung Galaxy gift.

Director Gia Coppola then brought the stories and songs to life in cinematic detail, crafting three distinct social films, each intercut with real footage of Sabrina’s real fans reacting to their personalised songs.

The films were rolled out on Sabrina’s and Samsung’s social channels in the lead up to Holiday season.

Visualizza questo post su Instagram

Un post condiviso da Sabrina Carpenter (@sabrinacarpenter)

Visualizza questo post su Instagram

Un post condiviso da Sabrina Carpenter (@sabrinacarpenter)

Visualizza questo post su Instagram

Un post condiviso da Sabrina Carpenter (@sabrinacarpenter)


An organic success

The three videos generated over 1.7M organic views and 600K organic engagements.

Tapping into Gen Z

With a reach of 42M, the campaign rolled out across Sabrina’s channels building hype and anticipation amongst her Gen Z audience as they eagerly awaited the next ‘Samsung bop’.

Engaging authentically

The three songs were written by Sabrina to honour her biggest fans. The artist was involved in the process every step of the way, producing songs and music videos that authentically connected with her audience.

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