27 Apr 2020 We Are Social’s Monday Mashup #489 https://wearesocial.com/jp/blog/2020/04/we-are-socials-monday-mashup-489/ Snapchat beats Wall Street expectations in Q1 earnings, Facebook launches Rooms to rival the likes of Houseparty, and more in...
23 Apr 2020 Digital around the world in April 2020 https://wearesocial.com/jp/blog/2020/04/digital-around-the-world-in-april-2020/ Simon Kemp shares the key findings from our Digital 2020 April Global Statshot Report.
22 Apr 2020 Creating in a Crisis: How Covid-19 is impacting influencer marketing in the UK https://wearesocial.com/jp/blog/2020/04/creating-in-a-crisis-how-covid-19-is-impacting-influencers-in-the-uk/ Our Global Head of Cultural Insights Lore Oxford examines how creators across the UK are adapting during the pandemic.
20 Apr 2020 We Are Social’s Monday Mashup #488 https://wearesocial.com/jp/blog/2020/04/we-are-socials-monday-mashup-488-2/ Facebook updates Reactions to support users during COVID-19, TikTok makes its platform safer for children, and more in our Monday...
17 Apr 2020 In Lockdown: The food revolution https://wearesocial.com/jp/blog/2020/04/in-lockdown-the-food-revolution/ Here, Research & Insight Analyst Paula Navarro examines changes in the food behaviours during the pandemic.
16 Apr 2020 In Lockdown: The impact on the global gig economy https://wearesocial.com/jp/blog/2020/04/in-lockdown-the-impact-on-the-global-gig-economy/ R&I Director, Devon Vipond explores the most lucrative businesses and platforms that underpin the gig economy, and their current and...
14 Apr 2020 We Are Social’s Tuesday Tweakup #41 https://wearesocial.com/jp/blog/2020/04/we-are-socials-tuesday-tweakup-41/ Instagram brings DMs to all desktop users, Pinterest adds several new ways to shop - and more in our Tuesday...
08 Apr 2020 Six feet from love: Dating during a pandemic https://wearesocial.com/jp/blog/2020/04/six-feet-from-love-dating-during-a-pandemic/ In the latest in our 'In Lockdown' series, Strategist Matt Friedman examines changes in online dating during the pandemic.
07 Apr 2020 Do the right thing: The role of social in Covid-19 https://wearesocial.com/jp/blog/2020/04/do-the-right-thing-the-role-of-social-in-covid-19/ Launching 'Do The Right Thing: The Role of Social In Covid-19' - a report examining best practices for brands on...
06 Apr 2020 We Are Social’s Monday Mashup #487 https://wearesocial.com/jp/blog/2020/04/we-are-socials-monday-mashup-487/ Facebook launches new COVID-19 Community Help hub, Snapchat unveils new Snapchat App Stories - and more in our Monday Mashup.