Getting It On for the PR Prom


A few months ago, our very own Jordan was invited to a top-secret photo shoot somewhere in London. He didn’t tell us what it was for, but now all has been revealed – it was for The PR Prom, an event taking place in London this Thursday.

The PR Prom
Jordan’s the dapper looking one in the background

The PR Prom is taking place this Thursday 23 February, from 7.00pm until late, at Shoreditch Town Hall in London.

Anyone from the worlds of PR, Marketing, Social Media, Digital and Advertising are welcome, including students and freelancers and it should be a night to remember.

The PR Prom is a fundraising event in support of Bright One, a volunteer-run communications agency for the third sector. Bright One is run 100% by volunteers and has delivered 10,000 volunteer hours of communications expertise, worth £1,500,000, to 40 charitable organisations over the last three years.

We Are Social will be making an appearance there, so make sure you go get your tickets now!

See you there on Thurs…