

Last week at The Tanks at London’s Tate Museum, I joined a crowd of 500 UK marketers at the #Twitter4Brands event, which aimed to explain how the platform can be used to help campaigns be more impactful.

#Twitter4Brands was a powerful play by the UK Twitter team to establish Twitter as a credible, effective and exciting platform for advertisers, and in the most part they succeeded.

The team demonstrated with wit and style countless examples of creative, provocative and successful uses of the ‘free’ version of Twitter, interspersing these with persuasive best practice cases for their paid products. The main takeaway from the event was that brands can gain the greatest reach by combining them both.

The event highlight was the UK MD of Twitter, Tony Wang, launching “Twitter music”. The app/web platform is a bold move into the music discovery space but currently is an interactive data visualisation of which tracks are popular on the platform.

I left feeling like I had been part of something important. Even if Twitter doesn’t have all the answers right now, it certainly knows how to put on a show.