We Are Social’s Voice Tech Innovation Social Scramble
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We’re all about researching and testing out innovative creative ideas about new tech platforms here. We understand how fast the tech scene is moving and realise the only way to get to grips and understand it fully is to experiment with it.
This is where our Social Scramble comes in, each month we pick a new technology and build a product or service that is based around an unmet user need. It’s a fast turnaround internal experiment with new technology, which allows us to understand how it works so we can pass that knowledge onto our clients. We’ve already experimented with our daily social broadcast on Amazon Echo, Facebook Messenger for Domino’s, and social gaming.
Recently however, this month we decided to do a fun experiment with Google Home to create a ‘Service’ for Valentine’s Day.
Does this scenario sound familiar? Your partner tells you that they aren’t fussed about Valentine’s Day so you don’t plan anything and then on the day it all kicks off as you’ve just bought some flowers from Costcutter and a bar of Dairy Milk on your way home from the pub. Well, never again!
We created and launched, in just three days, a ‘minimum viable product’ (MVP). We decided that the unmet need we would try to focus on was this typical problem of people not knowing what to get their partner’s on Valentine’s Day. Our answer? ‘The Defibberator’ – a hilarious service on the Google Home which helped to translate what your partner was really saying they would like for Valentine’s Day.
Check it out here:
Keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming blog post which will provide some top tips on how you can get your brand ready for voice tech.