What does digital look like in 2018?
Over the past decade, social media has revolutionised businesses in a way that is only comparable to the birth of the internet itself; and 2017 saw an unprecedented shift in how marketing leaders are prioritising and measuring the real business impact of social.
But it’s not just the number of people using the internet (4.021 billion to be exact), or social media, that has increased in the past year. The amount of time that people spend online has also gone up over the past 12 months, and now averages at around 6 hours per internet user each day, or 1 billion years in 2018, according to GlobalWebIndex.
Now, while all this additional time spent online provides innumerable opportunties for brands to connect with their audience, the potential of a more connected world – across a wealth of devices and platforms – can also raise more questions than answers for brands looking to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape.
For instance, who around the world has access to the internet and what sites do they most spend time on, when and for how long? What opportunities could Africa’s rapid internet adoption provide to expand communications with this previously hard to reach region? And as more and more digital platforms look to move into messaging services, which ones are really attracting the attention of the right target audience?
During this session, we’ll be bringing to life the latest digital and social media data and trends from around the world to uncover the opportunities, pitfalls and need-to-knows for businesses in 2018. Sign up now.
And for key insights and detailed analysis, our blog post is now available in English, French, Italian and German; and a copy of the full 153 page report can be downloaded here.