Think like an athlete: how social can benefit from agile thinking

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We Are Social
On Thursday 13th of June from 8.30am at our London HQ, we’ll be hosting ‘Think Like an Athlete’ – a masterclass on how to use agile and long-term thinking to create world-class campaigns on social.

Throughout this session, our Group Creative Director for We Are Social Sport, Gareth Leeding will be exploring how brands can build an audience, use data to inspire creativity, and find a unique voice online.

Access to live sport has never been so plentiful. You can now watch every sport under the sun, 24/7 through TV, social media and OTT streaming platforms. And as a result, second-screening (following along on social media on your phone) while watching sports – via any medium – has now become the norm for fans across the world.

During the 2018 football World Cup alone, tweets relating to the tournament were viewed 115 billion times.

With that many people engaged around a specific cultural moment and fans now being able to watch anywhere and at any time; sport and social provide a huge opportunity for brands. But how can marketers unlock that love for sports and make it work for their brand, and what role does social media play in achieving that?

Join us for breakfast on the 13th of June from 8.30am to find out. Sign up now.