Braving the Backlash

2024 promises to be a banner year for sport, with Euro 2024 and the Paris Olympics headlining.
However, based on our research, we predict that there will also be a surge in online hate around racial discrimination and discrimination on the grounds of sexuality or gender identity. These conversations sadly spike on social media during major sporting occasions.
Marginalised communities often feel attacked and unsupported by brands who are quick to include them in advertising campaigns, but ignore the abuse they receive online – often because they don’t know how to respond.
We’re here to give brands the tools they need to stand up to hate.

Join us for a deep dive discussion into the report and explore how brands can effectively prepare for and take a stand against hate online ahead of the 2024 summer of sport.

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Hate on social media is a growing problem, and one that’s being largely ignored by the industry. Download our original 2018 ‘Braving the Backlash’ report to discover why all brands need an anti-hate policy, how to create one, and where to display it. The report also introduces our ‘Three Rs Model’ to help brands and community managers successfully categorise and respond to hate speech online.