HarperCollins give away a year of books


Win a year's supply of books

HarperCollins are giving Australian readers the chance to add 52 titles to their shelves, with their Win A Year’s Supply Of Books promotion.

The competition, built by We Are Social, is part of the promotion for Belinda Alexandra’s latest novel, Golden Earrings, and is being hosted on her Facebook page.

The new mechanic asks users to read up to 30 pages of the novel, before answering a question about the content.

The winning entry, chosen by HarperCollins and Belinda Alexandra, will receive a new HarperCollins book every week in 2012.

Fans who also share the competition with their friends will also get an Amazon Kindle if their entry wins.

This app is the latest phase in a series of social activity for Golden Earrings, Belinda’s fifth novel, which was released in October and is available from Borders.com.au and iTunes.

Keen readers can enter to Win A Year Of Books here, and might want to start stockpiling tea – that’s a lot of books to read!