We Are Social: Tuesday Tune Up #220



Are you like Bill?

If you have visited the book of faces lately, you will most definitely stumble across this friendly neighbourhood stick man named Bill. Some argue that he’s the worst thing that has happened to Facebook but I disagree. I fucking love Bill. Memes feature Bill, in his signature knitted hat, offering essential advice on etiquette that should be obvious to most people with a pulse.

As of Tuesday morning, more than 1.3 million people have liked the main Be Like Bill page on Facebook. Bill has spread to other locales and languages as well. In Arabic, he’s Bilal; in Malaysia, he’s Rashid; in Spanish, he’s Jose. There is also a female equivalent named Emily.

Periscope videos will soon autoplay on Twitter

Twitter is now providing another way for Australians to munch through our inferior mobile data limit. Live stream videos from Periscope will soon autoplay inside of tweets on Twitter’s app and website, the company announced Tuesday. The update means you will no longer need to open a separate website or app to watch Periscope streams.

The feature is rolling out to Twitter’s iOS app “over the next few days” and will launch on its website and Android app at a later date, Twitter says.

Facebook is testing a new in-app browser

A new Facebook browser is being tested among a small group of iOS users. The browser, which opens within the Facebook app when you’re looking at external links, allows users to search within it, bookmark pages and see how popular an article is. The only thing it’s currently lacking is an option to open more tabs. Welcome to Facebook California, you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!

Twitter was down for some and people were freaking the **** out

Twitter went offline for many users on Tuesday, with Twitter web visitors being greeted by a Twitter error page. So obviously without social network Twitter to vent out their frustration of Twitter being down, the Twitter community of Twitter addicts took it amongst themselves to whinge about Twitter being down on Facebook, instead of Twitter.


New social platform is Peach-y 

Last week marketers went nuts for Peach, the new social platform with a Facebook Messenger-style interface and an impressively quick presence from brands like Asos and Vice. One of the most active brands on the platform so far has been dictionary publishers Merriam-Webster, which has been sharing regular posts on the platform such as their ‘Word of the day’. Jesse DeWitt, digital director of language learning products at Merriam-Webster explained why they’re already Peach-obsessed when they don’t yet have an Instagram or Snapchat account:
Visual storytelling is a real problem for us… Obviously, we are so heavily associated with words. It’s not like we have this great library of assets we can draw from like a magazine might have. It’s been an impediment in using Instagram or Snapchat. Peach has nice built-in commands that give you a quick and easy way to post something visual.

Despite this praise, Peach is already slipping down the app charts, so whether it will manage to hold on to its new-found fame and become the next Snapchat (rather than the next Meerkat), remains to be seen.

Zuckerberg will not be splitting $45 billion amongst 1000 lucky Facebook users

Along with privacy alert hoax, Apple iPhone 6S giveaways or a pair of Beats Studio Wireless, ole’ m8 Marky Zuck will not be handing out his wealth as simple as that. Even NBC News went ahead and checked with a Facebook spokesperson to confirm that it isn’t true. Seriously guys, be like Bill.
