Tuneup We Are Social Asia Tuesday TuneUp #9 3 Jan 2012 Happy 2012 everyone! After the merry feasting over Christmas and smashing (in more ways than one) New Year’s Eve countdown, it’s back to work in making this new year even bigger and better than before. 2011 has been quite the whirlwind year in social, digital and mobile, so let’s take a look at the big […]
2011: A Year In Social Media 30 Dec 2011 Great infographic from Flowtown charting the events that garnered most social media attention in 2011: Spotted at AllTwitter.
Five Friday Facts #8 23 Dec 2011 It’s just two days more before Christmas, and we are wrapping up (pun intended) with our last 5 Friday Facts post of 2011. Enjoy the long Christmas and Boxing Day weekend everyone! Massive growth of e-commerce on Livejournal Singapore In Singapore, Livejournal is not used just for blogging, but as a platform for online retailers […]
Tuneup We Are Social Asia Tuesday TuneUp #8 20 Dec 2011 It’s our last Tuesday TuneUp for the year, and we hope that everyone will have a marvellous Christmas, even amidst faulty public transportation and dreary weather. Heineken launch social Christmas tree, a Christmas memory game – and hire We Are Social Heineken have launched a Facebook campaign where fans can send a Merry Christmas message to […]
Five Friday Facts #7 16 Dec 2011 Here are Five Friday Facts to round-off this week in social media news in Asia and across the world. Have a merry weekend everyone, it’s the last weekend to shop for Christmas gifts! Record for most tweets per second broken The TV screening of highly popular Japanese anime Castle in the Sky set a new record […]
Marketers Still Struggling With Social 14 Dec 2011 A recent McKinsey Global Survey revealed that marketers see clear value in social media when it comes to driving customer engagement, but they feel they are ill-equipped to transform insights into action because they do not have sufficient familiarity with skills such as data analytics. How companies are using digital tools In the past 2 […]
Tuneup We Are Social Asia Tuesday TuneUp #7 13 Dec 2011 Send your Christmas cards over Facebook Advertising firm Dentsu and the Japanese Postal Service have partnered to create Postman, a Facebook app from which users from around the world can arrange to send physical Christmas cards right from the social network itself. The cards will cost from 100 Japanese Yen or US$1.29 onwards, while handling and postage […]
How Social Is Changing Advertising 11 Dec 2011 An interesting infographic that highlights the ways in which Social Media are influencing the evolution of advertising, courtesy of MDG Advertising:
Facebook Pages Get Private Messages 10 Dec 2011 Facebook are continuing this week’s platform innovations by unveiling Private Messages for Pages: Although this may appear a minor addition, the implications are actually quite significant: these private message will make it much easier for brands to interact with fans and – critically – complainants, in a more direct and individual manner. When a visitor […]
Five Friday Facts #6 9 Dec 2011 Hooray for Friday! It’s almost the weekend here in Singapore, and we’re about to head off for some real-world socialising [gasp!], but we couldn’t end the day without sharing our weekly round-up of the freshest stats from around the social world. See you Monday… Google+ in Japan Google is teaming up with Japanese girl group […]
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