<p><strong>Liking a brand has a positive purchase intent<br />
</strong> Interesting news from <a href=”http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?id=1008822&amp;R=1008822“>eMarketer</a>: 54% of those who like a brand on Facebook are then more likely to purchase the product. For realz.</p>
<p><img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-13295″ title=”” src=”http://cdn.wearesocial.net/uploads/gb/2012/02/136699.gif” alt=”” width=”324″ height=”256″ /></p>
<p><strong>From social media to word of mouth</strong><br />
Promoting a brand on Facebook means more than just buying up thousands of fans and, right on cue, <a href=”http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/bulletin/dailynews/article/1116155/“>Unilever have announced</a> that it is shifting away from using social media for getting fans and instead wants to move towards engagement to drive advocacy and word of mouth.</p>
<p><strong>The dinosaur in the room</strong><br />
Is it brands that are having a hard time evolving, or is it agencies? Just 9% of senior marketers believe traditional ad agencies have successfully joined the digital age, <a href=”http://www.chiefmartec.com/2012/01/cmos-to-agencies-adapt-or-die.html” target=”_blank”>according to a new study</a>. Lucky there’s people like us around to help…</p>
<p><strong>Hey, have you seen this new video?</strong><br />
Just like <a href=”http://wearesocial.net/blog/2012/01/socials-monday-mashup-104/“>a study released a couple of weeks ago</a>, <a href=”http://econsultancy.com/uk/blog/8939-unruly-study-sees-brand-recall-improve-with-social-video-recommendations“>new research has found that viewers who watched a video were more likely to recall the featured brand</a> when it was recommended by a friend compared to viewers who found the video through browsing. Also, people who watched a friend-recommended clip were more likely to enjoy the video and purchase the product.</p>
<p><strong>Brits are top on Twitter</strong><br />
Nearly <a href=”http://rossdawsonblog.com/weblog/archives/2012/02/which-countries-have-the-most-twitter-users-per-capita.html“>40% of people in the UK</a> use Twitter, the highest per capita usage in the world. The U.S., the Netherlands, Chile and Venezuela round out the top 5.</p>
<p><a href=”http://cdn.wearesocial.net/uploads/gb/2012/02/Screen-shot-2012-02-13-at-19.11.33.png“><img src=”http://cdn.wearesocial.net/uploads/gb/2012/02/Screen-shot-2012-02-13-at-19.11.33.png” alt=”” title=”” width=”500″ height=”447″ class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-13302″ /></a></p>
<p><strong>Should Facebook make a ‘junior’ edition?</strong><br />
Although Facebook requires its users to be 13, <a href=”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/9066377/Safer-Internet-Day-almost-half-of-under-12s-using-Facebook.html“>almost half of British 8 to 12 year olds lie about their age</a> and have accounts on the site. Most of the children replied that they simply wanted a place to play games online and would join a ‘junior’ Facebook if it were created.</p>
<p><strong>Adding Facebook Places to your map</strong><br />
Some <a href=”http://www.insidefacebook.com/2012/02/10/facebook-tests-add-to-map-prompt-on-place-pages/“>Facebook users can now see an “Add to Map” button</a> for business pages with brick-and-mortar addresses. This is meant to encourage more people to fill in their Timelines, but should also yield valuable information in recommending places to friends and letting businesses create more targeted ads.</p>
<p><strong>LinkedIn reaches 150 million users</strong><br />
LinkedIn has reached 150 million users, after adding more than 50 million users <a href=”http://wallblog.co.uk/2012/02/10/linkedin-hits-150-million-registered-users/“>in the last 10 months</a>; in doing so, it has secured its place as the professional’s social network.</p>
<p><strong>Could the tap-in be the next check-in?</strong><br />
In its latest update for Android, Foursquare has <a href=”http://techcrunch.com/2012/02/10/foursquare-adds-nfc-support-to-its-android-app/“>included support for near-field communication</a>, which would allow check-ins via a wave or a tap when you reach a location. The service has changed dramatically as it gets ready to enter its fourth year, and it’s <a href=”http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/qa_foursquare_ceo_dennis_crowley_on_what_hes_learn.php“>taking notes from Twitter about getting past its ‘growing pains’</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Google launch Google+ developers page</strong><br />
Last Monday saw <a href=”http://googleplusplatform.blogspot.com/2012/02/google-developers-page.html“>Google launch a Google+ developers page within Google+</a> to allow users to stay close to the latest Google+ platform news and events. The idea is for the page to act as a feedback portal for users, as well as encouraging users to join hackathons. It’s been successful thus far, as it’s already in almost 19,000 circles.</p>
<p><strong>MySpace to announce one million new users</strong><br />
Since December, when MySpace introduced a new music player, it <a href=”http://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/12/myspace-to-announce-one-million-new-users/“>has added one million new users</a>, the first increase in users in almost a year.</p>
<p><strong>Pinterest reaches ten million unique visitors a month</strong><br />
According to comScore, <a href=”http://techcrunch.com/2012/02/07/pinterest-monthly-uniques/“>Pinterest is the quickest ever site to reach ten million uniques a month</a>. Certainly a site we’re watching closely.</p>
<p><a href=”http://cdn.wearesocial.net/uploads/gb/2012/02/pinterest-user-and-time-on-site-growth1.png“><img class=”aligncenter size-medium wp-image-13293″ title=”” src=”http://cdn.wearesocial.net/uploads/gb/2012/02/pinterest-user-and-time-on-site-growth1-500×244.png” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”244″ /></a></p>
<p><strong>Path: one to watch</strong><br />
Since its redesign two months back <a href=”http://www.psfk.com/2012/02/path-mobile-social-network.html“>Path has added one million new users and is growing exponentially</a>. Whilst it’s only available on smartphones – and hence it’s userbase will always be limited – the ease of use of the nascent app-cum-social network, means it’s another we’re watching closely.</p>
<p><strong>Domino’s return to crowd-sourcing</strong><br />
Domino’s has launched Think Oven, it’s <a href=”http://www.brandchannel.com/home/post/2012/02/09/dominos-think-oven-facebook-020912.aspx“>new attempt to crowd-source feedback from its Facebook fans</a>:</p>
<blockquote><p>The Think Oven Facebook tab has two sections: Projects and Idea Box. Projects is where Domino’s solicits feedback on specific projects, with the kick-off project asking fans to brainstorm uniform ideas. Two visual submissions and two written submissions will each receive $500 rewards.</p>
<p>Idea Box is more open-ended and accepts any ideas people want to submit (although it’s safe to assume the brand’s Facebook admins can delete any offensive/rude suggestions). After all, the pizza chain’s latest product, Parmesan Bread Bites, was created by Brian Edler, a Domino’s Store Owner in Ohio. Other ideas so far including introducing rooftop gardens, better French dressing and a pizza delivery locator light.</p></blockquote>
<p><iframe width=”500″ height=”308″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/7GKufakRcaQ” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe></p>
<p><strong>Domino’s to trial F-commerce </strong><br />
Meanwhile, Domino’s in the UK are embarking on a new product launch exclusive to its Facebook fans. The Pizza chain is <a href=”http://www.marketingweek.co.uk/sectors/food-and-drink/food/domino’s-to-trial-f-commerce/3033869.article“>launching ‘boneless ribs’</a>, a new addition to its menu of side orders. Facebook fans will be able to preview and order the dish at a promotional price for a week before the national launch. Perhaps there’ll be a domino effect from this, and it will drive long-term sales?</p>
<p><strong>Control cats from your computer</strong><br />
A new campaign from Friskies allows users to <a href=”http://www.urgentgenius.com/media-2/social-media/let-the-cats-play-2“>control a series of kittens’ toys through Facebook</a> (while real live kittens play with them). With cats, consumers and the internet combined, expect the web to go into meltdown.</p>
<p><strong>New Cillit Bang Product Launched exclusively on Facebook</strong><br />
Reckitt Benckiser has announced plans to <a href=”http://econsultancy.com/uk/blog/8972-new-cillit-bang-product-launched-exclusively-on-facebook“>exclusively sell the new Cillit Bang ‘All in 1 Dish & Surface Cleaner’ household-cleaning product through its Facebook page</a>. They also plan to invest an extra £100m in brand building across Europe. Amazing!</p>
<p><strong>Cadbury’s use Facebook to launch new Wispa product</strong><br />
After running a competition to find the Ultimate Wispa fan, Cadbury’s then let the very same fan <a href=”http://econsultancy.com/uk/blog/8928-cadbury-uses-facebook-fan-to-launch-bitsa-wispa“>launch the new Wispa product – Bitsa Wispa – on their Facebook Page</a>, before running a competition all week to give the first batch of the product away.</p>
<p><strong>Foster’s with Facebook Timeline app</strong><br />
Fosters is <a href=”http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/news/1115947/Fosters-launches-Facebook-Timeline-app/“>the first alcohol brand in the UK to develop a Timeline app</a>, using it to showcase its exclusive comedy content. Rumours of the comedy being sweet, but mostly flat, are yet to be confirmed.</p>
<p><strong>O2 surprises and dazzles with a Valentine campaign</strong><br />
The mobile operator O2 is rolling out plans to ‘surprise and delight’ customers with another personalised social media campaign for Valentines Day. The <a href=”http://econsultancy.com/uk/blog/8969-o2-continues-to-surprise-and-delight-with-valentine-s-campaign“>have created a virtual digital love nest in the clouds</a> to deliver Twitter users messages via Youtube videos, personally recorded by non-identical twin “O2 Cupids”.</p>
<p><iframe src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/TCXtqrUDDL8” frameborder=”0″ width=”500″ height=”308″></iframe></p>
<p><strong>Dove creates Valentine’s Day tweet screen</strong><br />
Dove has erected (wahey) a <a href=”http://www.campaignlive.co.uk/news/1116751/dove-erects-valentines-day-tweet-screen/“>Valentine’s Day tweet screen in London’s Victoria station</a>, which displays tweeters responses to questions about women and beauty. Aside from the time of year, it’s hard to see how much this has to do with Valentine’s.</p>
<p><strong>Threadless link-up with Pinterest</strong><br />
T-shirt makers Threadless <a href=”http://www.threadless.com/news/794840/Snag_some_Valentine_s_Day_cash_to_get_the_perfect_Vday_gifts“>are one of the first brands to run a campaign on Pinterest</a>: they’ve asked users to create a Valentine’s Pinboard including five Threadless products, for the chance to win an $100 voucher as well an $100 Amazon gift card.</p>
<p><strong>Skoda’s impressive use of social media</strong><br />
A <a href=”http://www.cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/blog-how-you-can-seize-the-opportunity-of-social-media-like-skoda-did/60395“>really nice story from Car Dealer Magazine</a>, about how a tweet from a journalist about not having a car, ended up with him being a given a car for the day, as well as free lunch. It all goes to show the power of listening on social media, and then generating positive word of mouth. It’s hard to get brands to believe it can be this simple, but sometimes it really can be. Fab-ia.</p>
<p><strong>Sky News bans retweeting others, BBC bans breaking stories on Twitter</strong><br />
Sky News has <a href=”http://wallblog.co.uk/2012/02/08/sky-news-goes-anti-social-media-with-bans-on-retweeting-others/“>introduced a new policy that bans its journalists from retweeting non Sky sources</a>. It seems to miss the point of social media – about reporters being part of the wider community – and it will be interesting to see if there is a backlash from their journalists.</p>
<p>Our own Simon Collister highlighted <a href=”http://www.thedrum.co.uk/news/2012/02/08/sky-news-twitter-policy-debate-company-right-ban-staff-retweeting“>just why it’s a bad move for Sky</a>:</p>
<blockquote><p>Sky, as an early adopter of Twitter, has taken a big step backwards. It’s easy to see where it’s coming from in terms of attempting to protect the brand from association with inappropriate personal tweets or unconfirmed news, but Sky is missing the point. The biggest damage to the brand will be that its reporters go from being ‘real people’ to official broadcast channels for Sky. This risks diminishing the range, breadth and quality of the content being produced and shared.</p>
<p>What will these policies mean for the individual journalists concerned? Many of Sky’s reporters understand that getting the most out of Twitter means reciprocal engagement through sharing and retweeting other users and are already flouting the new policies. If Sky journalists find themselves losing followers, authority or relevance in the increasingly networked news environment, it will be interesting to see if this leads to higher staff turnover – or a management re-evaluation of the proposed practices.</p></blockquote>
<p>The domino effect has already been felt at the BBC, where journalists have been told <a href=”http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2012/feb/08/twitter-bbc-journalists“>not to break new stories on Twitter</a>. The new rule, which applies to all correspondents within the corporation, reporters and producers, was announced on Wednesday, just a day after Twitter’s new ruling.</p> </div>