Document leaked which suggests ads are coming to Facebook Messenger A document has been sent to some of Facebook’s biggest advertisers which indicates that ads may be coming to Facebook Messenger in Q2 of 2016. The document says that businesses will only be able to send ads to people who have previously messaged them and encourages them to prompt people to start conversations now, so they can advertise to them when this feature launches fully. A short link will also be supplied to brands which they can promote to make it easier for users to get in contact. So, Facebook pushes hard in 2015 to improve customer service on Facebook via Messenger, (introducing the ‘click to message’ news feed ad and the badge which shows how fast brands reply, among other things), and now reveals this is the key to opening a new advertising stream to consumers…? Well that’s none of our business ?☕️.
Twitter makes it easier to direct message brands Everyone’s got two personalities in this horrid, modern world. The erudite wit, who swills whiskeys thoughtfully at dinner parties, while crumbling acquaintances’ arguments with a mere look. The other? The Twitter ranter. Your ASOS delivery hasn’t turned up and before you know it, you’re just going HAM for all your friends to see. Twitter has now introduced a new button which is the online equivalent of saying ‘shall we take this somewhere a bit more …private’. USE IT!
Twitter makes it easy to tweet gifs In 2015, more than 100 million gifs were shared on Twitter, and now Twitter has partnered with Giphy and Riffsy to introduce a new button which lets you search for your perfect gif to match your mood. You can search using a keyword or browse categories of different reactions like mic drop, or for those of you so inclined… YOLO.
On top of this, (who said Christmas only comes once a year!), Twitter has announced you can now capture and send video in your direct messages.
Starting today, you can capture & share videos in your Direct Messages. It’s rolling out globally on iOS & Android.
Brands stand up to homophobia and racism on Instagram Although we would all love to live in a world where brands wouldn’t have any racist or homophobic comments to fight back against, hats off to adidas and MAC Cosmetics. The two brands have in the last week shown how it’s done when dealing with small-minded bigots on social. First adidas caught the attention of the trolls after posting a picture which inferred two women kissing.
A photo posted by M∙A∙C Cosmetics (@maccosmetics) on Feb 17, 2016 at 6:50pm PST
The model in the photo, 19 year-old Maryse Kye said: “As I turn 20 in a couple days this is a reminder of what I endured in the past, and if I survived middle school in America I can get over this. The bullying and alienation from others solely based on my features and skin color did not stop me from doing what I want.”
MAC responded with the following statement: “MAC stands for and respects All Ages, All Races, All Sexes. We do not tolerate any abusive comments in our community.”, which is reiterated in the brand’s Instagram bio.
Virgin Australia’s agency take blame/credit for calling Kanye a ‘douche’ Planes, holidays, sun, planes, holidays, Kanye eat a dick you douche, holidays, planes, wait. WHAT!?
So, somehow a rogue tweet slipped out from Virgin Australia’s Twitter account last week in response to Kanye saying his latest album should have been given 30/10 and not 9/10 from Pitchfork magazine. After investigation from Virgin Australia, the agency Carat Australia have taken responsibility for the tweet, and after an apology from the brand, they seem to if anything, have gained a bit of kudos from the boob.