Winning at Cannes with ideas powered by people


Cannes Lions 2017 may be over, but we didn’t come back empty handed – this was a big year for our team at We Are Social. Our Milan team’s ‘Speak Like the Patron’ for Netflix picked up both a Silver and a Bronze award in the Entertainment category, as well as a brilliant five additional shortlists across Media, Mobile, Promo & Activation and Entertainment. Check out the campaign video below, or read our blog post here for more on the winning work.

We are extremely proud for everyone involved – especially our team and of course our client, which launched Netflix in Italy just two years ago and has already really rooted its brand here. We’re grateful for all the people who had fun learning the basics of the Spanish language “a la Narcos” on Babbel.

For us, this campaign perfectly embodies our creative vision: ideas powered by people. We believe that today, entertaining, informing and moving people is the only way they will really enjoy spending time with a brand. Interruption as a marketing technique is on its way out – this award, as well as many of the others at Cannes, were clear signs of this trend.

So, a huge thank you to not only our team here but also everyone else in each of our offices globally, all of which are producing outstanding work. Together we’ve created something more than a workplace!

There’s been a lot of discussion at Cannes about the value of awards. Our philosophy is that we exist as a business to help brands be relevant to their audiences and to succeed. When this happens through a piece of work that’s also recognised by the creative community, it’s even more satisfying. But work created for the sole purpose of winning awards puts our industry at risk of losing focus on what should be important – helping our clients’ businesses.

Thanks, Malparidos!