Exploring the trends in Think Forward 2025: The Liveable Web
To celebrate the launch of Think Forward 2025: The Liveable Web, we are holding two webinars featuring Global Chief Strategy Officer Mobbie Nazir, Global Head of Research & Insight Paul Greenwood, and Group Director of Research & Insight Devon Vipond. Our experts will dive into the five key trends set to shape social over the next year.
📅 Webinar Dates:
5th December: 9am GMT / 10am CET / 5pm SGT with Global Chief Strategy Officer Mobbie Nazir and Global Head of Research & Insight Paul Greenwood
9th December: 9am PST / 5pm GMT with Global Head of Research & Insight Paul Greenwood and Group Director of Research & Insight Devon Vipond.
With 1 in 4 internet users feeling overwhelmed and dissatisfied with online life, the call for a more joyful digital space is clear. Enter Think Forward 2025: The Liveable Web—a new chapter bringing joy back to social. From Charli XCX’s #bratsummer and iconic memes like the “symphony dolphin” to the playful antics of Nutter Butter and the gamification of online lore, The Liveable Web brings a new era of self-expression.
We will explore the five trends featured in Think Forward 2025: The Liveable Web, including:
Primal Renaissance: People leaning into and actively seeking out more raw emotion
Low Stakes Social: People engaging with less labour-intensive online culture
Intentional Consumerism: People looking for more sustainable ways to derive joy from consumption
Modern Mythmaking: People engaging in entertainment content at a deeper level
New Intimacies: People seeking out spaces and opportunities to maximise social bonding
For more on these trends, sign up to the 5th December at 9am GMT / 10am CET / 5pm SGT webinar here, and 9th December at 9am PST / 5pm GMT webinar here. And, access the full report here.