Vote to see We Are Social at SXSW!
It may feel as though it’s only just happened (and in all seriousness, some of us have only just recovered) but already, SXSW Interactive is back on our agenda. After attending some incredible panels by the brightest minds in social media earlier this year, we’ve been inspired to get involved again in the 2014 event.
So, here’s a rundown of all We Are Social’s proposed panels for the next SXSW, and once again we shamelessly ask you to please have a read and vote for which sessions you’d like to see in Austin, Texas next year – the deadline for votes is this Friday, so don’t hang around.
No One Gives A Shit About Your Brand
In this panel, our New York Managing Director Leila Thabet is joined by a stellar line up of Reebok, Beats By Dre and Tumblr to discuss how brands’ role are evolving in both business and society and, in a nutshell, how to make customers give a shit about your brand. They’ll cover off how to reach the empowered customer with a softer, more indirect approach as well as tackling audience-led marketing. Vote!
You Are My Google, Now: How We Discover Things
We Are Social Italy’s three Managing Partners, Stefano Maggi, Ottavio Nava and Gabriele Cucinella will explore the evolution of discovery in this panel. In the past, the way to find content was to “Google it”. Now, people are our new “Google” and we find content through coordinated, social processes. This panel will present evidence of how content is reaching more people, more effectively, through social media and open the discussion with the audience about very practical experiences related to marketing, education, communication and entertainment. Vote!
Half A Billion Reasons To Think Beyond China
Simon Kemp, Managing Director of our Singapore office will be exploring the economic opportunities in Asia in his panel. With economies worth 2.2 trillion dollars and a population of more than half a billion people, Southeast Asia now represents the most exciting market in the world. This panel shares insights from Simon and three other local experts who’ve achieved success throughout the region, and will help you to build a solid understanding of the people, cultures, ways of working, and special nuances that make Southeast Asia such a rich and diverse opportunity. Vote!
Playing in the Biggest Stadium: Juve Goes Social
We Are Social Italy Managing Partner Gabriele Cucinella teams up with Juventus FC’s Head of Digital Federico Palomba to tell the story of Juventus, one of the biggest football clubs in the world – its players, its millions of fans and the biggest arena in the world: social media. This panel will guide participants through the evolution of Juventus’ social media landscape over the last two years. It also does a bit of future gazing, analysing new trends in the social / football landscape and spotting new opportunities. Vote!
The Unbearable Burden of Being Millennial, IRL
This panel, organised by We Are Social’s New York office, sees Tumblr and members of a group of highly-networked 20-somethings referring to themselves as the ‘Yung Klout Gang’ (YKG) take on American culture. YKG shot to infamy online in 2012, and have become a snapshot of the struggles, victories, culture and conversation of American youth living their life ‘URL’. YKG, Tumblr and We Are Social will gather to talk youth and millennial culture in practice (not theory), flipping the usual SXSW Panel on its head by bringing the subject of discussion to the event to speak on their own behalf. Vote!
Did the Internet Shock Italy More Than Berlusconi?
One of the oldest and most controversial political systems the world is taken apart by We Are Social Italy Managing Partner Ottavio Nava. It tracks the story of Beppe Grillo and his party, the Five Star Movement, and their meteoric and unprecedented success. The panel examines how the party managed to take over 25% of the national vote in Italy using just the internet and social media as a key campaign tool. Is this good for Italy – and politics across the world? What can we learn about the power of the social media in politics? Vote!
Plenty there to keep your brain ticking over, even with a stomach lined with beer & BBQ. Get your votes in by Friday by clicking on one or more of our submissions above, and we’ll see you in Austin!