Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on consumer behaviour
Today, our parent company BlueFocus International – in a collaborative effort between group agencies – launched Covid19Monitor.org, a live monitor which tracks real-time consumer sentiment around the pandemic and provides insights on longer-term implications for brands. Our data and insights also include a proprietary CMO survey, social listening trends and a unique look back in history via our research with a respected cultural anthropologist.
The site is designed to bring unique data, insights and understanding of undercurrents shaping global markets and highlight trends and shifts in people’s attitudes and mindsets. The research was conducted by pulling data from multiple markets, which was then collectively discussed and interpreted to pull out the key learnings for brands and marketers.
As part of this launch, we’ve produced a number of insight-led reports. The first of these, Understanding Shifting Attitudes, Behaviours and Values – a social listening-led analysis across 14 markets, is now live on the insights section of Covid19Monitor.org. Here, our Chief Strategy Officer Mobbie Nazir explains more.
Over the last few months, the world has changed in significant ways. As such, marketers and brands around the globe are now facing the challenge to not only survive the crisis, but also begin to understand their role in helping consumers prepare for life ‘after’ it.
To aid brands trying to navigate their way through and help them better understand the role of social media in this “new world”, we’ve launched Understanding Shifting Attitudes, Behaviours and Values – an in-depth social listening study, which maps out life during the lockdown and how the major themes of conversation played out on social media.
In the report, you’ll find details on:
How the spread of misinformation has fuelled a number of conspiracy theories during the lockdown, and the role influencers have played in both aiding and stopping this;
What the changing use of emojis during this time has revealed about our appetite for more nuanced ways to express ourselves online; and,
Why conversations about #lifeafterlockdown are few and far between – even now.
By drawing on these learnings about the mindsets of people throughout the pandemic and more, the report provides actionable recommendations as to how brands can play a role supporting consumers in the shift back to normality – whatever that normality looks like.
A full copy of the report is available now to download, here.