Yes, Facebook has decreased page reach 16 Nov 2012 TechCrunch recently carried the following article from me, commenting on the ongoing decline in the reach of Facebook pages. They’ve been kind enough to let us reproduce it in full below: Josh Constine wrote an insightful post last week, debunking the myth that Facebook has decreased page post reach to increase the sales of promoted […]
Are you our Group Account Director? 16 Nov 2012 There are now 270 of us worldwide. 270 crazy-in-love-with-social-media people across the globe, and over 100 of us working at our ever growing London office. Being part of this growth is more than exciting, it is rewarding and it can also be really fun. We pride ourselves on being the world’s leading social media agency, […]
Malala Day: A Cause for Social 15 Nov 2012 On October 9th we learned just how dangerous it is in some parts of the world for young girls who desire education. When Malala Yousafzai, a 14-year-old Pakistani schoolgirl was brutally shot in retaliation for promoting girls’ education in her country, the world took notice and leapt into action. The United Nations’ Education Envoy, spearheaded […]
Social, Digital and Mobile in India 15 Nov 2012 Today’s #SDMW report focuses on one of Asia’s most exciting markets: India. With the world’s second largest population, India holds huge potential for marketers from all over the world. The country’s 1.2 billion inhabitants have embraced social, digital and mobile technology too, and India’s online ecosystem offers some truly startling numbers. To start with, here […]
Top Facebook Pages in the UK, Oct ’12 14 Nov 2012 Following on from their US report, Socialbakers have just released their top Facebook Pages in the UK October 2012 report. The report delivers the rankings of the most popular, engaging and responsive UK brand and media pages on Facebook:
Top Facebook Pages in the US, Oct ’12 13 Nov 2012 Socialbakers have just released their top Facebook Pages in the US October 2012 report. The report delivers the rankings of the most popular, engaging and responsive US brand and media pages on Facebook:
Mashup We Are Social's Monday Mashup #141 12 Nov 2012 Businesses that have embraced digital are more profitable Companies that have jumped on board with digital and social media marketing and analytics are more profitable, new research from MIT has found. These companies are outperforming their less tech-savvy peers by 26% in terms of increased profits and 12% higher market valuations. Making this change often […]
Social, Digital and Mobile in Laos 9 Nov 2012 Today’s #SDMW report investigates the social, digital and mobile ecosystem in Laos. Laos is one of Asia’s poorer countries, with average income hovering just above US$3 per day. Two thirds of the population lives in one of the Laos’s 9,119 rural villages, and more than one third of the population is below the age of […]
Sandy x Social 8 Nov 2012 It’s been exactly a week since Superstorm Sandy made her journey up the east coast and all the way to our very own New York City. While power outages and downed trees were expected, there were some additional side effects that that took us by surprise. For some it was anxiety from the nomad life […]
Social Media Revolution 2013 7 Nov 2012 Erik Qualman has updated his seminal Social Media Revolution video: For those that preferred the original Fat Boy Slim soundtrack, then here’s the version for you. Erik previously brought us Social Media Revolution, Social Media Revolution (take 2) and Social Media Revolution 2011.
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